Recess being banned

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by ♥AL90♥, Aug 18, 2007.

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  1. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    Is it helping or hurting kids?
  2. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Recess, doesn't really matter. People need to remember that it's a privilage, not a right. It could help kids focus more in class, all my friends always concentrated on Recess....but then most people aren't like that. It could only hurt kids because it takes away actual fun from elementary, and plus it is a chance to relax or get excersise. But, Recess is a privilage, so you shouldn't be saying it's a right to have it.
  3. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    I'm not saying that we should have it. I'm asking if it's banning is helping or hurting kids.
  4. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I could see how it could help in elementary school to allow children to form social bonds. Kids need time to move around in between all that learning. You ever try and keep a small child to sit still for longer than 15 minutes at a time?

    I had recess all through elementary school and in Junior High. I personally don't see anything wrong with it.

    I wouldn't necessarily say it's a right or a privilege but something kids need to further their development in society.
  5. Meh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 12, 2007
    Recess is a time to excercise and take a break for a while. But sometimes thats what students are looking forward to each day, and aren't focusing on class. It's not helping, but it's not hurting much either.
  6. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    i think, that it is actually a pretty positive idea. it gives kids the chance to socialize and run around, and lets them run off class time. i say helping.
  7. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    I pretty much answered though, it goes both ways really.
  8. Meh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 12, 2007
    Banning recess isn't helping then, from your point. Just a mess up, I understand.

    But yeah, banning recess won't help them, but it won't be that bad. Besides the excercise they won't be getting from running, they need time to socialize. Helping? Focusing on there studies more, but it's hurting if they don't get time to socialize.

    Meh second answer.
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Do you mean banning a kid from recess temporarily or banning all recess kids can have at school?

    Sure, if a kid is bad, bullying on the playground, or doing something in class that disrupts everyone else, it may be a leverage tool to use. However, I don't think recess is a 'privilege' and this message shouldn't be taught. They aren't going for drivers' licenses here. It's play time. Playing is essential in humans and it is essential to animals that are young. It is critical for development. Also, having that extra spent time outside to enjoy themselves and socialize, be a part of the outside etc is good for them. If we took away recess, children would be bored and recess also encourages them to exercise and we all hear how fat our kids are getting. Taking away physical activity seems to be a bad idea, unless it is a temporary thing because someone is a problem child out there.
  10. Meh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 12, 2007
    Yeah, temporarily, if for a good reason, it wouldn't be such a problem. Temporary banning of recess wouldn't do much damage, but I don't think that's necessary unless there's a good cause, such as what Repliku said, a bully, etc.
  11. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Repliku has done an excellent job in stating what really needs to be said. :]

    Recess is actually vital in terms of a child's development because during this time they are devolping the heavily neglected Emotional IQ (basically maturity mentally). By having recess DAILY at school they are learning what "cannot be taught" in a conventional classroom. True, recess is not perfect, it has its bullies and it can be distracting, but in the long run it is for their benefit.

    Some sort of break would be necessary in between learning anyway. Considering the time spent at school, it is almost a "required" break time. How the children spend it however is entirely at their whim.

    Recess is also (if supervised properly) a very good way of helping children become acquainted with how "society" works as well as helps them build vital social skills. It is true that recess is also a time when children can also be the most harmed (the kid sitting on the corner of the playground by themselves) but in a sense it is something that cannot be really controlled....its really up to the adults and parents to help remedy this before something negative happens to the child in terms of their growth.

    Bottomline: Recess is an opportune "mandatory" way of helping children interact. Recess is almost a class in on itself but without grades and is entirely important on the mental state of a growing person.

    (Sorry that was kind of rhetorical...)
  12. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn

    Pretty much the same thing I said. :/

    But it is true though. recess is needed in a childs life, and it can be taken away for alot of reasons. But to be taken away fully is bad, but then at some points it won't be. People socialize outside of Recess, and you actually do more outside of it. I should know though, things can happen at Recess.....
  13. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    I was more arguing that Recess is a "class" of sorts as well and of course there are people who are shy or have really filled or troubled lives at home to actually socialize. I know of and even have friends who prefer being at school to home becuase their families are, for lack of a better phrasing, psychologically abusive.

    But in my opinion, recess as a whole shouldn't be taken away, but "time-outs" are necessary for those who do something wrong. I even think that having a "community service" of sorts for those who may have deserved a time-out from recess would actually help to prevent further rule-breaking. (Better now then for something they could be thrown into jail for.)

    (PS I thought you argued it was a privilage. o_o)
  14. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn

    Well, because that's what Recess is, you don't HAVE to have recess, but it would be good if you have it. My teacher would always so how it's a privilage, and only because my dumb classmates started talking back with this crap:

    You can't take away Recess, we need free time in our lives!

    That was alright, I actually agreed, but this one:

    Recess is a class, and we should always have it, you can't just take it away.

    On this one I was kind of shifty, because I was just glad they let us have Recess. And plus, it lets the teachers take a time out away from us.XD
  15. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    The idea behind Recess is that it is a happy "requisite" and establishes a sort of rule. "Work for a reward". At least that's how I see it in my mind. As for the teachers getting a break, that isn't entirely true, they could just swap the teachers off without having a recess.

    Think of it like an extra class like Art or Music or even a Sport....something like that. Does that make anymore sense? o_o
  16. Repliku Chaser

    Well, if Recess is a class that cannot just be taken away, why do you feel it is a privilege? Play is part of development and seems critical. If they were to remove recess, they may as well send kids home 2 hours earlier because many kids are going to come up with ADD/ADHD like symptoms. Every kid needs play and development. The reason it is removed later is because it's not needed, but children are as they are in a state of growth and play time does stimulate their thought processes, as well as keep them physically entertained.

    Of course, yes, some kids bring others down. We all probably can remember the stupid bullies and snobby girls etc that won't let you play with them or take over your favorite spot to be, trying to dominate it. That is what teachers are for though. As for the kids who sit off the side, some kids are aloof like that, but there are those who try to get them involved. You can't 'force' a kid to play, but sometimes positive encouragement does work and those kids may not be grateful but someone did them a great favor. Kids need these social skills or they suffer into adulthood.

    There are also the 'bad' things to take into account:
    1. There are bullies and people who will try to take things away from you, so watch out! There are rotten people as we grow older and the past experience with these jerks, as long as we don't let it traumatize us, shows us to be prepared.
    2. Some people are snooty and offensive, and don't want to accept you into their little cliques. There are adults like this too. Might as well get upset that Jenny won't let you jump rope with her friends because she's a snob now and go off and play with others that are better.
    3. Kids change and sometimes they will be your 'best friends' and the next moment you feel ditched and alone. Kids are like the wind. They move. Some adults keep to this pattern and it's best to see it early when it's not as harmful as say someone sleeping around on you. We all know 'fair weather' friends. If we take the message early on, they don't get to us so much and are aquaintances instead.

    So to me, even though I can say I was bullied (Who can say they weren't?) and knew people on the playground I couldn't stand, it helps. Here can also be where kids make some great friends that are true and you can experience a lot of positive times too.

    Of course, with the bad things, these should also be stopped by an adult when it gets out of hand. A dose is one thing. Over exposure is another.
  17. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    I say we should keep it. Although I cant really think why it should be kept, but then again, there isnt a reason why it should be taken away.
  18. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I think banning recess would be pretty damn dumb if you ask me.

    All elementary students should have at least a 15-30 minute recess. They don't have the attention span we older kids do to concentrate on studies for hours and hours on end. They at least need a break to relax, run off some steam, and give their tiny brains a break. Teachers will have a hell of a time without recess, since kids would get cranky as hell and not care to learn a thing.

    Yeah, it wastes school time, and there's bullies out the wazoo, but it would be a lot better than a bunch of screaming children wreaking havoc during class time altogether.
  19. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    I hear it was clinically proven that having recess to relax the mind during stressful, cramped, and boring classes and subjects helped with their overall learning experience and performance. Having recess helped that by some percentage, I'm not sure how much, though.

    So given that, I think recess would be harmful to students. Just like decreasing the required four years of physical education to two and now some schools are taking it off the required list altogether. Not only does it physically exercise but it mentally exercises as well, ideal for learning and focus.

    :/ I shun recess being banned.
  20. Redeyesblackdragon Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 12, 2007
    I Also think that all Elementary school kids should have time to relax. If they don't have recess they will get cranky, and not want to learn.
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