After forever passed, i opened the dusty case, and pop the disk into the console, and when i was looking at the two saves i had, i completely forgotten that i had a file where i was level 255, with a nordic named Odin. Upon loading said save, i remembered i had an incredibly overpowered daedric sword, and greatsword, both doing over 400k damage, and well worth over a few million, with enchantments that make them do a little above 1,600 fire and electric. Along with an armor rating of over 500k.... I rather strip down naked fighting alduin on master difficulty with my fists.
Actually it's not anymore. The latest patch added a new "Legendary" feature that lets you reset skill trees if they are on 100. So I guess there is no level cap anymore.
Yes, yes it is. I'm not sure if the guy is lying or if the save is hacked. but it's IMPOSSIBLE to reach that level. edit: Disregard what I said.
It isn't a hack, but more of a "Modded Save" So to speak, which starts you out in a room with chests that contain every item in the game, right at the beginning, and after leaving said room, all you simply do is complete the little begging area, and progress like normal.
Not a Hack, its taking a mod off of the pc, and transferring it to the xbox, and with Bethesda's actual permission, Xbox is letting players use specific mod's without being penalized in any way, so its not hacking at all. In myth busters lingo: I reject your reality and substitute my own.