Recent Tensions Surrounding Discord

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Heart ❤, Sep 30, 2017.

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  1. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    As many of you are aware, there has been a lot of behind-the-scenes drama going on continuously for the past month. Many members have come to us with concerns and reports of harassment and bullying taking place through Discord DM’s, which are hard to verify, as they’re done in private conversations. Most of the drama is surrounding the fights that took place in the public Discord Server over the past few months, and although we decided not to invoke further punishments for the old fights, we carefully reviewed the entire public fight to better determine what exactly happened, and we checked that fight against the information submitted to us by the users regarding the private arguments.

    In addition, the reports of harassment through DM’s brought other very startling things to light, such as the intentional spreading of personal and confidential information through open sharing of quotes and screenshots of private conversations. Many of these quotes were presented out of context and manipulated to mean something entirely different than what the poster meant, and were spread without the poster’s knowledge or permission. We take this very seriously. You, our members, are the lifeblood of this site, and your comfort and privacy are our number one priorities.

    We’ve looked into every report sent to us regarding the recent harassment. Countless textual reports, the public fights in the Discord Chat, and screenshots shared with us by many different users across the board have all been cross-checked and discussed, and after careful deliberation over the span of several days, we came to a solution that we hope will put a stop to the bullying and the spreading of private information, both true and false, through private messaging.

    It was also discovered that there has been a lot of misinformation regarding Staff being spread over the past several months. Every rumor about staff that we know of has been carefully looked into and records have been checked for signs of truth, and it was determined that the complaints about staff were either provided severely out of context, were misconstrued and presented to be something more sinister than they really were, or had already been acknowledged and dealt with in the staff chat.

    We understand that this drama and the actions taken might come as a shock to some, and if you have any concerns or questions regarding what happened, or any new information to report, please contact a staff member immediately so that we can resolve this for you. If you’re afraid that your name might have been used without your knowledge or that your private life has been shared without your permission, again, feel free to come to any member of staff and we’ll do our best to help you find out what might have been said to whom and how to straighten it out. Furthermore, if you continue to receive unwanted direct messages, we suggest you block the sender, as there is nothing we can personally do about that.

    We, as the Staff of, deeply apologize for any grief or stress caused to you by these recent events. Rest assured that bullying or harassment of any sort is not tolerated on this site, and we’re currently drafting an addition to the rules that we intend to roll out soon, to hopefully prevent such an event from recurring, without overstepping our boundaries. We want to be very clear: we are not trying to monitor or restrict what people say in private conversations. In truth it’s the opposite: we think it’s a sign of a healthy community when you meet people here with whom you want to chat, vent, and yes even argue with, in private. And further, we want you to be able to speak freely, in confidence, without worry that it will be leaked to others, or that your words will be misrepresented. When there are breaches of privacy and trust on a large scale, that inevitably bleeds over into our community, and their general morale. What you say in private is absolutely none of our business, but when we get complaints from multiple sources about harassment and lies about our members, it very much becomes our problem.

    For right now, we’ve tried to come up with the best solution we possibly can, to create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere, and we ask that everyone do their part and be careful not to unwittingly participate in this spreading of misinformation, and let’s all just try to put this behind us and move forward towards a better community. Again, any questions, concerns, or comments can be sent to any member of staff, and we’ll do our best to help you. Don’t be afraid to come to us with this, every report made to us helps us to address real problems in the most fair and objective way possible, to help you live worry-free in our community.

    Thank you for your patience regarding all this.


    The KH-Vids Staff Team
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