Reality Defense Brigade: Secret War

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Mar 14, 2016.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    If "space" is where and "time" is when, then "infinity" is all. There is a never-ending number of Universes residing within Infinity, held apart by dimensional barriers. Many of these universes are parallel versions of each other, alternate copies of the same people, places, and even histories. Each Universe has its own laws of physics, magic, divinity, and reality; as far as its inhabitants are concerned, their Universe is infinity. However, the real Infinity is much bigger, holding all that is, was, and ever will be as well as the dimensional barriers that divide them. Travel between Universes is not impossible, but dependent on the Universes themselves.

    Unless you are from Crux, of course.

    Crux is a planet with no alternate version. It is completely unique. Its trademark characteristic is its malleable nature. Existing outside of space and time itself, but at the very center of Infinity, those born on Crux have the strange genetic ability to exist within any Universe inside Infinity. Unlike the other Universes, the planet of Crux is completely aware of Infinity and its characteristics; they are able to monitor other Universes and copy their physics and technology. Cruxian scientists have long since discovered how to take technologies and universal laws native to one Universe and copy them into Crux's personal Universe itself. The creation of "Crossover Medals" even allows average Cruxians to temporarily "wear" the abilities, powers, equipment, and nature of anyone from any Universe. The use of Crossover Medals, however, is very regulated.

    Because of its nature, the citizens of Crux have tasked themselves with defending Infinity from cross-dimensional threats --those that would endanger the fabric of reality and the peace between Multiverses. To that end, the Reality Defense Brigade was assembled. Using government-issued Crossover Medals, the RDB is tasked with traveling between Universes and preventing them from learning of Infinity's true nature, as well as defending them from outside threats. The RDB has been very successful in keeping the true nature of Infinity hidden from other Universes, keeping those Universes safe, and borrowing the technology and abilities of those other Universes without issue...until now.

    The head of the RDB, Byrus Ander, inexplicably betrayed all of Crux and destroyed the central base of the organization, crippling the manufacturing of Crossover Medals and stealing a large number for himself and his followers. Ander dubbed his new organization Access. Access disappeared into the Bleed, the unnavigable space between Universes, promising to bring something called "Convergence" to Infinity. Now led by its head scientist and former RDB soldier, Dr. Amnael Telos, the RDB's main division has been restructured into a squad to fight a secret war with Access across the Omniverse within Infinity while its few other agents continue in the RDB's original mission. Due to the loss of resources after the defection, the RDB has opened its door to new recruits. The all-new, all-different Reality Defense Brigade is even considering recruiting warriors from other non-Cruxian Universes, but the Cruxian government has yet to approve this decision.

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