what type of book do you guys read? (audio, visual novels, regular, etc.) i like to read visual novels when waking up early in the morning; my favorite one so far is called seduce me.
I just found this... XDDD... I love reading physical books, though I have so many now my mom suggested a kindle. So I enjoy both, being honest... Using the kindle when I don't want to carry a bunch of books around. I still love reading physical books, though... Mostly non-fiction/children's stories.
Oh boy, I'm a hard copy reader. I have to have a physical book at all times to read. Because I'm so blind, when I read online or on a tablet the lines literally blur together due to the backlighting. Whether dim or on high brightness it's over over powering. Most materials like articles or texts book that I have for school I read online because the cost to print the text books are outrageous. However I should add, I haven't had my eyes checked in two years, so it's defiantly time for that check up. xD
iBooks is my best friend. I don't like carrying stuff around when I'm at work, and I don't have patience to wait for the page to load on the internet (plus I take the subway every day, so that doesn't work out), but iBooks gives me the convenience of a data-free pocket-sized library. Also, about 90% of those books are FREE. I've got soooo many books about stupid s***, and probably some I've had for months without glancing at. It's kind of like that Steam addiction people have during those summer sales, but with literature. As for what I read? Trashy books. Trashy, trashy books the titles of which I am forbidden to share lest I be subjected to a swift and painful (and probably skittles-related) death.
I read ebooks/pdf's on my phone. It's a lot handier especially when I'm on the go and traveling on public transportation. When it gets crowded it can be difficult holding onto a book and a pole then having to wait for the bus/train to stop so I can flip a page w/o the risk of being flung into someone. >_> As for the type of books I read... This site is still for youngins isn't it... Well, that alone should hint at the type of books I read.