Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Sessamaru, Sep 2, 2012.

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  1. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Post your CSes here, and after I gain a few people, I'll officially start the Main RP.

    Thank you!

    It all began centuries ago, when the nations of Gaeus fell into disgrace. The eight nations fought amongst themselves for resources and land, to gain power over one another. They all converged, causing a schism amongst their peoples. These people, in the midst of war, fought against their government. Due to the war, due to the vexation of the people, the world was thrown into chaos for the second time... the first was at the birth of Man.

    The people had learned from a passing Sage the Forbidden Arts. Because of the Forbidden Arts, the world was thrown into chaos, causing many to go insane and many others to start their own smaller nations. In the end, it was the first Cataclysm to befall the people of Gaeus. The dead walked, men and women and children weep and laughed, and many others were suffering from plagues... never allowed to die. This era of pain and misery was pulled to a halt when eight wise scientists, one from each country, found the solution for peace. Those who knew the Forbidden Arts were housed in prisons and asylums. Those who suffered by the forsaken magic were placed in hospitals and asylums. And those who were oppressed and afraid were given homes.

    However, their methods were never recorded, for Man was thrown into a Dark Age; the scientists had lived in seclusion far beneath Gaeus's surface.

    In the end, these scientists, men of both the Arcane Arts and Technology, had brought unto the people a new peace. As the darkness receded, the golden sun arose for the people under their gaze. In hopes to hold back the darkness, the scientists had created a school, not only for education... but to exercise martial control.

    This school exists upon the Crossroads of the eight nations. It was named SIGMA ((Scientific Institute of Guardianship through Mastery of Weaponry And Arcane Arts)) by the BSD ((Bureau of Scientific Development)), the organization formed by the eight scientists.

    As of now, the school exists as a mercenary company created by the BSD, Gaeus's new government, to keep the world in place and to disrupt anything that threatens the peace. Despite the BSD's grip on the world, it is not strong enough to control the will of others... or those that are savage.

    Base Magic

    Pyromancy: Fire magic. This element symbolizes power and passion. Pyromancy is commonly used for weapon augmentation and mid-range combat. Fire spells are weak against aquamancy, strong against aeromancy, and nulled by geomancy.
    Aquamancy: Water magic. This element symbolizes serenity and flexibility. Aquamancy is commonly used for healing and area-attacks. It is weak against geomancy, strong against pyromancy, and nulled by aeromancy.
    Geomancy: Earth magic. This element symbolizes strength and protection. It is commonly used for protection and close-combat. It is weak against aeromancy, strong against aquamancy, and nulled by pyromancy.
    Aeromancy: Wind magic. It symbolizes tranquility and harmony. It is commonly used for close-to-mid-range-combat and speed-augmentation. It is weak against pyromancy, strong against geomancy, and nulled by aquamancy.

    The basis of magic is founded around the four elements of creation. So much so, that those born have a peculiar affinity towards one of the elements and is capable of casting spells of said element. This is a natural talent.

    *One area of magic per person. (More may be learned later).


    CQC: Close-Quarter-Combat specialization. Those who use aeromancy, pyromancy, and geomancy are most adept at this. (This involves melee weapons, or simple hand-to-hand combat). Despite being able to use magic, CQC fighters aren't as proficient in magic as Healers or Spellcasters.
    Healer: Healers are commonly medics who use both magic and first-aid. They are more proficient in magic than CQC and Support, but weaker in direct combat. Aquamancers and, at times, geomancers are likely to choose this route.
    Support: Support fighters are the defenders and, if clever enough, decoys of the group. They aren't as good as CQC combatants, and not as great at magic like Healers and Spellcasters, but they are proficient at what they do. They are commonly mid-to-long range fighters capable of arousing shields or barrier of their particular element. Any field of magic can do.
    Spellcaster: Spellcasters are the best at what they do. They can use their magic to extreme heights, but are immensely fragile when in combat. Though they lack a fighter's reflexes, they possess a swift, calculating mind that allows them to cast a spell faster than the ordinary spell-user (CQC, Support). Unlike Healers, they are capable of doing damage from a decent range. However, alone, they are pitiful... unless they have enough distance between themselves and their enemy. Aside from their weakness, spellcasters are the only ones who are powerful enough to make a pact with the Elementals. This pact allows them to conjure their respected elementals to assist them in battle. However, this takes a lot of magic, and the magic that links conjurer and the conjured takes a toll depending on the amount of time the elemental has been summoned. Any field of magic can do.

    The Four Taboos of Magic

    Sangromancy: Blood magic. Blood magic is known for its use to cast dark spells of the various elements, tainted with their own blood. Not only can it cast elemental spells, but it can also cast non-elemental spells. To further this, sangromancy is capable of many things, ranging from conjuration to target manipulation. It is a cruel form of magic.
    Umbramancy: Shadow magic. It is a vile form of magic that creates illusions. These illusions can be physical or psychological. Not only are the illusions mind-breaking, but they can be powerful enough to literally manipulate the shadows around the caster of victim. It is considered the most sadistic of the four taboos.
    Pathomancy: Plague magic. Pathomancy causes rot, decay, and death. Magic becomes tainted, and as a result, it destroys everything in its path. Pathomancy is the most complex out of the four taboos of magic.
    Necromancy: Black magic. Necromancy is considered the most sacrilegious form of magic. It taints the Nexus, the source of all magic and creation, and brings the dead to life in the most darkest sense. It is the most powerful of the four and has a common relationship of the other three.


    1. No Godmodding or Power-Playing. I reserve the right to do so if I need something to be pushed for in the story of this RP.
    2. If I grow weary of a problem I did not foresee (or expect to happen), I will add rules to prevent further issues of the problem. To add, I may change rules in the future as I see fit... but this is only when I think I can take the story into a different, more interesting path.
    3. I will allow only one character per person, and one specialization per character. As stated above, only one element per character... until I see fit that you can handle another form of magic.
    4. The Four Taboos of Magic are OFF-LIMITS.
    5. I’m going to kill your character off if you cause frequent problems or have been gone for more than 1 week without notice.
    6. Related to the previous rule, if you’re gone for about three days or so in the middle of interacting with another character the other character will be allowed to ignore you. Two days max for something more important.
    7. Your character can’t be all-knowing.
    8. I encourage you to ask questions! Even if you aren't part of the RP!
    9. Ask me anything in the OOC or in PM.
    10. I expect some descriptive detail. If I find something amiss, I will "ask" (more like demand) that you fix it (or explain further).
    11. Have fun.

    Character Sheet

    Personality: [Explain their personalities]
    Other: [Optional]


    *Note: I may limit the amount of "specializations" depending on the circumstances.
    **Note: I prefer if you ask questions before you jump the gun. I may have missed a few things.

    Accepted Characters

    What's New?
    First, I want to say that this RP is a reboot of the original.

    With that done and over with... *ahem* though my opening post doesn't say it, you're all students in a military-academy called "SIGMA", where you learn about magic, the omniverse, and weaponry. In the midst of your academia, you also do field exercises and real missions (much like in Naruto... which, honestly, is the best example I can give). Like every other RP, this one encourages character development, drama, and having fun.

    What's new about this RP is that... well... for one, Karasu isn't going to be making an appearance (I'm switching him out for "Affinities" Ulrich... with a twist). Secondly, there is going to be more detail about the world, the Nexus, and more character interaction... after the opening railroading which consists of learning about the basis of magic. There is also more history, though some of it may be cryptic or overall vague. You will experience more classes, as well. In fact, I'm going to post the schedules of your classes before I start the RP.

    Thirdly, the story, though stretched out into arcs, may get your brains in gear. Be prepared to face Daemons and madmen, as well as the temptations of the taboos.

    Overall, be ready to ride this RP. I'm not the only one who's going to be telling the story. This RP is your RP... so long as you don't try to warp my story-arcs (like instantly stabbing my villains before I could react... or making your own villains and kidnapping my RP). In the end, be ready to help me weave a story of a life-time.

    Also, ignore the man behind the screen.

    Magic 101 - Professor Rosette
    Weapon Mastery 101 - Professor-General 1st Class Plissken
    Art of War 101 - Professor-General 1st Class Malyce
    Astronomy - Professor Tsuna
    Science and Magic - Professor J.G. Faust
    The History of Magic and Magic Theory - Professor J.G. Faust


    Username: Sessamaru
    Name: Ulrich
    Gender: Male
    Age: 12
    Magic: Earth
    Specialization: Support
    Personality: Ulrich appears to be a lazy, happy-go-lucky boy whose smile often shows ignorance and bliss. However, deep down, he's like every other orphan. Hurt and lonely. Like his fellow witch and wizard, he harbors strong hatred towards those who had done him wrong. However, he's quite sensible and will not attack anyone out of spite. Though he's level-headed and calm, Ulrich tends to be a clown. He also has a strong desire to be anonymous, not wanting to be the reason that those he cares for to be hurt. He is willing to take a beating and he will never give up, regardless how grave the situation seems.

    An interesting personality trait of his is his charisma. His charisma is born from his friendly-nature and his ability to sympathize with everyone on a very emotional level. Due to this, he is also a very self-sacrificing person, willing to do anything for those around him. Although, hypocritically, he does not burden people with his own problems. This may be due to his desire to remain anonymous and to keep them detached from him.

    Another positive personality trait he possesses is that he will keep all of his promises.
    Equipment: N/A
    Other: Ulrich is a genius and an innovator, capable of outsmarting his enemies. He's also extremely powerful in the ways of Earth magic, but he seems to hold back... as if he's afraid.
  2. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Sigma's back? Well I guess I may as well rejoin~

    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Tahlia
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Magic: Aquamany
    Specialization: Healer
    Appearance: Here. She's very small/petite and due to this she is often mistaken for being much younger than she actually is. She has long messy blonde hair which is seldom tied back and usually has a smile on her face.
    Background: Tahlia grew up in a small village ravaged by war, even though peace had come there was still fighting where she was. As a child she witnessed many horrendous sights, epic battles and the consequences of them. She saw first hand the injuries they were left with after the fighting. This left her with a deep dislike for fighting, even though she was taught at a young age to fight to be able to defend herself with living in a dangerous place. It also left her with the desire to help, to actually do some good. She went round with the village healer, learning all she could to help and also discovered her magic could also make a difference. She also became proficient with a bow and went out hunting, both for food and to simply get away from it all. Though she wanted to do more, she wished she could go out and actually make a difference to the wider world. Try to stop the fighting completely.
    Personality: Tahlia is extemely determined and hard working. She is quite optimistic and will try to see the positive side of everything, there is usually a smile on her face. Despite this she isn't a fool and is realistic, she's seen what happens when things go wrong. She is sensible and will think before she acts. She has a strong moral compass and feels an obligation to help when anyone needs it. She hates fighting but will fight when she feels is nessesary and will do all she can to protect her friends. When the pressure is off, she loves the chance to be childish and have fun every so often.
    Equipment: She has a belt full of herbs and medicines which she is constantly refilling whenever she spots a plant on the ground that has uses. She also has a bottle of water on her belt to use when no other water is nearby for her magic. She carries a bow and arrows on her back, which she mainly uses for hunting but if need be can be a formidable weapon as her aim is excellent. She can also stregnthen her bow with magic if nessecary. On top of this she also carries a concealed knife, for chopping up stuff and for emergencies.
  3. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Accepted. If you want, you can get rid of the background. I decided background wasn't necessary for this RP.
  4. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hmm, okay, I see why though I'm quite fond of the background I made for her as it gives me something to work of and explains some parts of her personality. I think I'll probably hold true to it even if I delete it off the OOC sheet so I might keep it.
  5. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    lol, that's fine. I apologize if I made you feel as though you wasted your time with it :(
  6. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    I'll probably consider joining. But right now I'm tired of typing because I just got done typing up a really long RP plot... xAx
  7. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    lol, aww... let me know when you have the OC Sheet up so I can make a character for Equinox (I love that word).
  8. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Aeolus
    Gender: Male
    Age: Sixteen
    Magic: Aeromancy
    Specialization: Close Quarter Combat [ CQC ]
    Appearance: Here
    Personality: Aeolus is very kind-hearted, good-natured, and bubbly. He's friendly and outgoing; if he thinks you'd be a nice friend to have, he won't hesitate to ask for a bond. He believes in equality and peace, that everyone should be treated fairly, an outlook on life that some frown upon. Some people believe there need to be those better than others, but he just scoffs and turns away. He doesn't like negative confrontations or fights, but would rather talk things out. However, that being said, Aeolus is actually a very skilled close-range (hand-to-hand) and mid-range (magic) fighter and will defend anyone around him if there is a hostile threat. He's the type of person to look at the glass half-full, instead of half-empty. A fast learner, Aeolus is highly intelligent, though it doesn't do him much good on the battlefield. He rushes into battle without giving a single thought, but can usually formulate a clever plan mid-battle. Aeolus will never kill. He is humble, yet confident in his battle abilities, since he has been praised quite often for his handle of aeromancy. Aeolus believes trust is a two-way street, he trusts his friends with his life and he hopes his friends trust him with the same.
    Equipment: Believing speed can give one an advantage in battle, Aeolus carries lightly. He has a small knife attached to the back of his belt, and twin throwing daggers on each side of the buckle. He also has dual pouches on the sides of his belt, the left holding tiny smoke bombs for a quick escape and the right holding a pair of brass knuckles for hand-to-hand combat. Finally, he has a thin, lightweight, katana-like sword and sheathe on his back. This is how he usually channels his wind abilities, though he can also do it with his bare hands. Though everything here seems like too much to be considered a light load, everything is extremely lightweight. Below is what the belt looks like from each side:
    FRONT ==d==O==d== [ d - daggers ; O - buckle ]
    SIDES ===p=== [ p - pouches ]
    REAR =====k===== [ k - knife ]
    Other: N/A
  9. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Accepted. Thank you for joining, Andrew ^^
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Name: Kai
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Magic: Pyromancy
    Specialization: CQC
    Personality: For the most part Kai's a quiet guy who prefers to do more thinking in his head than talking to others, but their are occasion when he will come out of his shell and openly speak to someone. He's at his quietness whenever he's around people he doesn't know, but the more you get to know his, the more open he becomes.
    Equipment: While he mostly prefers to use the sword he carries on his back, he does occasionally use some of the other weapons he has on him, like his short sword on his waist and some smoke pellets he's made.
    Other: N/A
  11. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime

    Just a couple more people and we can start. I prefer if there's at least one support and/or Spellcaster, but if not, I don't mind.
  12. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Username: -Xero-
    Name: Alex
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Magic: Pyromancy
    Specialization: CQC
    Appearance: Looks like this minus the tear drops and the red marks under the eyes. Hair is white and the shirt is black. Skin is a little more tan and the eyes are blue.
    Personality: Mischievous and likes to cause trouble. She can come across as selfish and stuck up, but until someone gets to know her she can be quite a different person in their eyes such as a caring person and someone who is very loyal to them. She is rather fightsy, and is bold and blunt.
    Equipment: Chakrams - They look like Axel's chakrams except they are a lightish-neon blue and the blades are black. Her fire magic is a blue color with black shadowy looking smoke. [Think of the new Ghost Rider movie and how the smoke looks like a shadow around his fire]
    Other: None at the moment
  13. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Draw out the personality (as in, give it some depth) and then you'll be accepted.

    Quick question: Should I go ahead and start the RP or should I wait for one more person to join?

    Also, the Class Schedule will be posted soon, as well as Ulrich's sheet.
  14. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    I edited my post. I meant to add more to it and them completely forgot about it lol

    And its up to you, if you want to wait, then wait. But I wouldnt wait too long bcasue then people will probably forget.
  15. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Ah, lol. Accepted.

    lol, true. I'll just go ahead and work on the things I need to and then start the RP sometime in the morning.[DOUBLEPOST=1346742338][/DOUBLEPOST]Class Schedule is up!

    Working on the RP now!
  16. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Yo, folks! Don't forget about this RP.

  17. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Is it too late for me to join the RP?
  18. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    No, it's not too late. If you're still interested in joining, post a sheet.
  19. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    The RP is now on the main page of the Role-Playing Arena under "Advanced". Which is where it belongs, honestly. Also, understand that this means you must post a post that is at least 2 FULL paragraphs.

    I'll add this rule change soon, but it's still effective as of now.
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