Here's how this works. On a scale of 1 to 10, you rate the member with a short comment on why. Keep it respectful, though, please. :smile:
10/10. I don't know you well enough, but from what I've seen, you're a pretty nice and helpful person.
8/10 I mean just look at the mother****er. He seems nice and doesn't seem douchy. He's an aight guy like the rest of yall. 8/10 for everyone. Except anyone who is douchy.
You know I actually think that's cool of you giving me that zero. It's badass. Zero. Being 0 out of 10. I like that. 0. So many possibities. I give you a 3/10 cause I honestly don't know you....but you seem aight. I've seen your pic.
9/10 We don't really know each other, but from what I've noticed you're really funny and seem cool (: