I read a small article about a week ago about a possible partnership between naughtydog, founders of Jak and Daxter, and Insomniac Games, founders of Ratchet and Clank. It would be for a possible two games about the two pairs meeting in a game where some sort of awesome plot will take over. Since then i've been trying to get back to this link, or site for that matter, and the article was discontinued, but it got me on a thought: Could it be true? Your thoughts and comments would be most appreciated, but if all you have to do is slander me because you think i'm making this up don't even bother posting. I personally think this would be a great idea.
I actually expected this to happen years ago. I still can't understand why they didn't do it yet. Anyway Jak and Daxter vs Ratchet and Clank sounds like fun. How about that?
Since Naughty Dog and Insomniac Games are very close and they have produced games for Sony exclusively. It's actually possible for this to happen. Plus Jak and Daxter and Rachet and Clank are in the end just platformers with guns. Combining the two wouldn't be that hard.
Insomniac and ND have been working side by side for years. Just look at all the Spyro/Crash demos in the other games when you activate a cheat code or something, or in Ratchet: Deadlocked, where you can play as Jak, or Jak 3, if you activate the Ratchet and Clank gun course. I think it's likely to happen.
This would actually make my entire life complete. ^^ What kind of game do you guys think it would be though, i'm leaning of course towards a third person runaround as that's the best part of both games. I'm also curious of how a super smash brothers, type of game would work out? Like put Crash, Spyro, Ratchet, Clank, Daxter, Jak, and some other characters together for a massive brawl. I also found this. I'm pretty sure it's meshed together, but even if it is it's still pretty cool.
Putting major game characters like Crash, Spyro, Jak, Daxter, Ratchet, and Clank together could actually be a good game. I mean I bought that mash up of Crash and Spyro when it came out for GBA and it wasn't half bad. The plot could've been tweaked a little but overall it was decent. It'd be like a Sony SSB and i'd probably buy it. I mean Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter are two iconic Sony only game series. Put them together and it'd sure get interesting.
Plus, put other series' in there as well, throw in special stages, more weapons than the army, swearing occasionally, bleeped of course, and you've got one bad ass title there. I was going to say kingdom hearts, but A: it's not soley on sony systems, and B: You wouldn't get much variety if it was only Sora, Riku, maybe some other characters. Meh, idk, that may be something to think about.
There's a new article in the latest issue of Game Informer that says there'll be a mash up of Ratchet, Clank, Jak, Daxter, Sly Cooper, and Bentley! Our dreams have finally become a reality though the game isn't going to be released for sometime.
Yeah, Heroes on the Move (**** that title is stupid) requires the TOTALLY NOT A WII REMOTE. I'm going to be skipping it since I already have a Wii.