
Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Destined, Jun 30, 2008.

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  1. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Ok. I'm not holding back any more.

    WTF is up with members posting crappy *** comments in stories with a simple 'i love it, keep going', or 'blah blah blah zomg :)'....there are literally HUNDREDS of stories that have been created or begun on this forum that have been only hit by a handful of members or commented on once because people are just looking for posts.

    To those who know what i'm talking about: don't just go for the posts with the most comments, the most hits, your best friend, whatever. Help out your fellow members. Delve into something new, help breathe life into a story with minimal hits or a new member that you've not read from before.

    We've got amazing authors on this forum, and that sad thing is, is that people bump stories because they think that anything that falls below the grasps of page 1 are not worth your time. I disagree. Some of the best stories i've read on this forum were halted because the writers think that they didn't have a well concieved story because of the minimal posts or hits.

    Seize the day KHV. Post critically, give these creative minds critique, suggestions, support. But for the love of Pete, stay on topic and actually contribute something meaningful.

    I'm out, i need more mountain dew.
  2. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Okay. I KNOW this is about "Switched." And I actually agree on this one. Yeah, it's nice to know that people support you all the way and what-not, but after awhile, unless there's some actual meaning to the posts or some new ideas to bounce back on, everything just ends up cluttered and another spam thread (which I DO NOT want my story to become.) People love the idea. I get it.

    But at the same time, neglecting all the other upcoming or better talents out there becomes downright disappointing. Heck, my Triple M story didn't seem to wow as many people as I thought it would. There are a lot of poems that I've written that haven't seen the light of day. I know how it feels to have people only glance over a story or a poem and never return. It's depressing and ends up making the writer feel that there's no point in continuing if no one reads it.

    So yeah. I appreciate the support, but give other authors a chance to shine. Who knows, it might spark new ideas for your own creative projects. :o

    ...And if this ISN'T about the story...

    ...well, I still agree anyway. :sweat:
  3. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    it's not a personal jab at your story at all DF, it's just it seems like it happens more within your story than others i guess. You're just too damn good it looks like :P

    Hell, i've not been able to post anything on Sacrificed since i basically turned prem because of life, these young kids just don't understand what life is like outside of high school.

    Oh well.
  4. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I don't go in fanfic section, but I know I say crap like this for youtube vids etc because I don't want nit-pick it or go for an in-depth review and it's much more conveiniant to get the point across to say "I love the work, keep it up happy-face."
  5. Pistol Schoolboy Gummi Ship Junkie


    Seriously, I know how you feel. I'm actually one of the only few who have had my stories on other websites with some logical critque on my stories. Unfortunately, when you go look on YouTube videos, you see these pointless posts that are just plan pointless and annoying. I posted a video named Special Bloopers and this subscriber just said "ORLY 8DDD HA, I'M SUCH A BLOODY ******. AKHSSYDSLOL;." Okay, maybe I exagerrated a bit, but I can't stress how annoyed I am by that.

    It just goes to show are arrogant people are, and how low their intellectuality truly is. But Iguess we just have to deal with it since the world loves to be jacka**es and simply keep doing it to simply get a nerve bulging. People seriously need to learn to give crtique to stories, no matter how epic the story, video, or whatever. :/
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Wait... So what is a discussion post in your eyes?

    I have already posted my critique for Switched, and I have tried my best to have some discussion on the potential future. Really, I cannot do anything more. I know my random comments of "Can one pierce their ear using a pinetree needle?" are slightly spammy, but I always try to post on-topic with it.

    I agree with you, although this does not only apply for fanfics. The number of times I have seen people post, "I agree." is astounding! Just for example, in the "Was Sora Justified?" thread, we still got simple answers such as "No..." or "Yes, the org was evil". I am not asking for them to read the whole thread, but a glance at the current page would be nice.
    Whenever a new theory is posted, I see "Good theory, I like it" with no thought at all. I hate agreeable people. I always try to disagree. (Annoys some poeple, but at least it adds life!)

    Meh. I kind of felt I should try to add a bit to your rant.
  7. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    I feel kinda guilty here.

    I used to roam the creativity corner, searching for wonderful stories, and I found some authors I thought were amazing, and I stuck with them.

    I don't really search out new stories any more DX

    And I have to force myself to comment usually XD
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