I'm not sure whether this should belong in discussion or not but anyway... It just crossed my mind that there are different types of chocolate. There's Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate and the list goes on and on. There's also chocolate with different types of nuts and different types of fruit. Its just another random topic I know but anyhow post your favourite type of chocolate. Mine's Dark Chocolate because for some reason me and Mielé ate a whole packet of it before a math test in year 6 and we hadnt studied at all and we passed with flying colours!
... o.o You just realized that there are different kinds of chocolate?? Uh... ANYWAYS, my favorite is milk chocolate, followed by white chocolate, and dark brings up the rear for me (it's too bitter >_<). I also prefer when chocolate doesn't have nuts, but I looooove the ones with caramel inside, yum!
lol. I didnt just realize. The thought crossed my mind and seeing as the Spamzone is kind of inactive at the moment I thought I'd post it in. Like I said it's just Random xD