What is the weirdest nickname anyone has ever given you............Oreogirl.............there is another one....but it's to long...and I can't remember it.....though it involves the word Emo......I'm going to hurt Lucas for that......there was a another one which was Dr. Fluffenstien but that was Steve's nickname
Auntie Oops. God I hated my class-mates for that one DX< I said 'Oops' once during elementary school, and I heard about it for four freaking years. :yelling:
Garbage Disposal, The Brick Wall, and my personal favorite, The Raging Rabid Asian Wolf People Chief. GD is from how I eat at lunch, I eat a lot fast. Brick Wall is from tennis, I'm a net player and apparently it's hard to hit a passing shot at me. TRRAWPC...it's a combination of inside jokes with my friends. xDD
Syrup and Belle L'Rae. Some of my friends started calling me Syrup because my initials are SRP, and my friend Danae was like, "Hey, your initials spell syrup!" My baby cousin came up with the second one. Her name's Madyson Izabella L'Rae, and I started calling her Mady (pronounced Mad-dee) Belle L'Rae, and she said, "No you Belle L'Rae!" She's also the one that came up with another nickname for me: Summie.
I have way too many nicknames to remember which one is weirdest XD But for now, I'm going to say GiGi. Anyone who can figure that one out gets a cookie <3
I was called Scarface growing up because I have a scar on my cheek. It's faded over the years but when in grade school, it was noticeable a lot and later on the nick stuck. Fortunately Scarface was a cool film. Another nick I earned in fencing was Blade, since this girl in the class gave us all nicknames off her favorite sword wielders. I still get called that for some reason now and then and it's been over a year.