It is a common misconception that mice love cheese, when in reality they praefer oats, grains, fruits and seeds. If you feed a rabbit only carrots, it will die. Carrots are too sugary, and should be offered sparingly. Elephants have been observed to honour their dead, performing rituals involving the deceased's bones. Besides humans, they are the only other species to ritualise death. In the late 1800s, Yellow Kid popularised the use of word balloons in comic strips. Prepubescent boys (castrati) were castrated in order to maintain a high voice into adulthood. Castrati tended to portray women, as at this point in time it was socially unacceptable for women to sing onstage.
A tiny font for a tiny voice, unless she is singing, or so I've been told. I had figured about the first fact, and had known the third one. I'm surprised over the others though, I hadn't known castrating young boys would keep their voices from changing through puberty. How interesting . . .
It was outlawed in 1903, IIRC. Though your sources may vary, I see the wiki pg claims it was made illegal in 1870. But, that was in Italy. Varies elsewhere, perhaps. With no testes to dish out testosterone, a castrato tended to grew deformed. Whilst harmful, and outlawed with good reason, it would def be interesting to hear their voices... all that survives is this one recording, and it is is not exactly impressive. The singer was old at the time of recording.
An elephant is easier to tranquilize than a giraffe, despite having a thicker skin. You only need to use a bigger dart or more powerful dosis to knock out an elephant. When tranquilizing a giraffe, things get more complicated. You have to catch a falling giraffe with ropes and let it down gently, lest it breaks its neck.
There is a drug that can make you orgasm simply by yawning. Clomipramine - In about 5% of patients (both male and female), it can cause inadvertent orgasms when yawning. Source:
Of the 48 tortoises aboard the Beagle, none made it off the ship. Charles Darwin ate every animal he discovered.
Narwhals never used their horns for fighting. It's a dominance thing to get mates. Also, some narwhals are born with two horns, and they are actually, in technicality, a tooth.