I had too much freetime and lazyness in me to draw these two pics for no darn reason. XPPPP Random Scenery http://player49.deviantart.com/art/Scenery-108082148 Random drawing http://player49.deviantart.com/art/Random-drawing-108082020 CnC and enjoy!
for scenery make more texture in the ground, it looks like a desert with pine tree, so just make more texture for grass and you will be ok
I agree, it's like a dry wasteland with no grass or snow on the ground. True, but the scenery just needs a bit more work on it and it'll be good.
I think you should add like grass in the wind with your scenery. =D I like it tho. And for the other one. His arm are alittle to big, also his neck. But it doesn't bother me much. xD I like the detail you went into, and I like how, it looks like he's looking back, over his shoulder. Awesome job, keep up the good work. <3333
I like it, but I don't like how the scenery is so plain and boring, maybe add a bit more to it and it'll be all good <33 And for the second drawing, I don't see anything wrong with it really, just that the legs are facing straight while the body's turning (so technically they should kind of be a bit turned) but that's just me being too picky by studying human anatomy in art for a bit so ignore me if you want xD Oh, and I like how you can sort of see the scenery in the background, it adds a nice effect. Keep up the good work ^____^
Yeah, I have to agree. The scenery just needs texture~ The second one is very well drawn :] Good job Xephos~!
Actually, the scenery was just something that popped up in my mind so I just drew it to get it out of my mind. I kept thinking about this scenery everyday till I drew it. :/ Strange thing is it is exactly like that. Thanks anyways! ^^
I can see the other side of the picture where the tree's are. You should've drew the boy in front of the tree's, it looks great =) i love how you did the boy's shirt sleeves rolled up.