News say that a radiation cloud will come to San Jose sometime soon and they say we should stay inside, wear a lot of clothing if outside, and to wear mask. Im sorta worried, anyone else?
I read that by the time the radiation cloud gets that far, it won't be very dangerous. Just keep an eye on the news and do what they say, and I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. It's just a precaution, as far as I know.
I do this already to keep the federal government off my tail. They'll never catch me for issuing fake weather broadcasts! NEVAR!!
The Californian coast has been having a panic attack over this... RESEARCH THE FACTS PEOPLE. You will not even come close to a level of radiation that effects or harms people in California. The range of that was only 30km from the Fukushima area, and then sharply dropped off right afterwords, the heavy fallout can't make it overseas. by the time it reaches you, I'd be surprised if you even experience a 1microsievert raise in radiation. The news is disgusting lately, they've been trying to make this out to be some huge disaster on the scale of Chernobyl. IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE. So don't get suckered into buying Iodine, Don't change plans over this, don't fear going outside. It's all a bunch of pushed fear by scam artists who want to make money off of disaster. Edit: Here's a diagram for you. if the news throws around even something like 30x NORMAL RADIATION LEVELS! That's still not even close to harming anyone. Like I said, Fear mongering and lies for ratings and scam artists.
It fails because fear mongering. also, Fail, your board converts alt-255 into * so even oldf@gs can't triforce.
No. They'll see it. And they will know it's me. I am also allergic to being pushed down a hill while covered in bubble wrap.