Does anyone notice how there aren't many African Americans seen in anime or manga? And when you do see them, they end up being stereotyped. For example...Mr. Popo from Dragon Ball Z. Or maybe even Brock from pokemon. Hmm...
There's a black dude in Bleach who doesn't do any stereotypical black person things. Also, black chicks in Tenchi Muyo and in Outlaw Star.
It's really hard to find a good cosplay...for and african american female... and i think there might be African americans in naruto now....I'm not sure if they are though.
I never said there weren't any <_< Just not very least to me. I thought Mr. Popo was a guardian..? And he takes the appearance of a blackface in it.
There really aren't any lead black characters in anime that I can think of, let alone other ethnic groups like Native Americans or Indians. Occasionally there's a secondary line up character that's black but yeah, it's irregular too. I wouldn't say it's racist though. I think more along the lines of that they aren't sure what to do since the cultural exposure in Japan is not the greatest, and they probably just don't want to flub things up and make stereotypical black or Native American etc. characters. We see those in some anime and usually they suck, so I think they get the idea there and it doesn't happen often.