I need you to post your absolute favorite dungeon music, preferably from an RPG. Gonna mod the background music in Vindictus, and I'm just drawing a blank at what songs to use. Thanks in advance!
I freaking love Vindictus and sorry I don't have a favorite dungeon song and I'm drawing a blank aswell just wanted to say that -_____-
For Overworld: Striptease - Persona 4 [video=youtube;vqoxCwZFwJw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqoxCwZFwJw&feature=related[/video] For Battles: Reach out to the Truth - Persona 4 [video=youtube;IXE6T-6WCx4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXE6T-6WCx4&feature=related[/video]
That was always my least favourite dungeon music, it's just way too repetitve and not unique enough. [video=youtube;fLx-TQsxPAU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLx-TQsxPAU[/video] This one is love though <3 [video=youtube;vkailb3xcTI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkailb3xcTI[/video] This will always be the best though. It counts and you know it!
[video=youtube;mto_4TRoxXw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mto_4TRoxXw[/video] not realy dungeon but this is epic background music for anything.
Thanks all of you guys! I'm using some of these. Also future posters find short loops if you can because if they're too big it'll just crash the game. Oh and I don't need any battle music, I've already modded that
Here's a much shorter version of Striptease: [video=youtube;zBC9SAt553c]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBC9SAt553c[/video]
Lol Vindictus That game got old. It's all just smash, repeat. Got tired of the game after playing for an hour. Which reminds me that I had to wait for the freaking download to finish lol.
This thread seemed to have a bigger sense of urgency then it actually does. Anyway, Spoiler: could cause seizure Spoiler: No, really. Spoiler: Do you want to die, kid? Spoiler: Nah, go ahead
Eh... I had played the game while it was in Beta lol. Still, I got an idea of what repeating the dungeons would be. I didn't like how you're just in town, and the only way to go to different places is by using portals or something. I wanted it to be open world. It disappointed me. Not gonna try the game again. I have enough games on this as it is lol.