Question Time Question Time with Midnight Star!

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Mish, Mar 11, 2013.

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  1. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    Question Time with...
    Midnight Star!

    A couple of guidelines before you begin..

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. This is still KHV, which means that you must not use this thread as an excuse to berate or harass the Question Time participant. That being said...

    2 - ...The Question Time participant does not have to answer all of the questions.

    3 - The Question Time participant must maintain some level of activity within this thread. Don't leave all of your questions unanswered. You're in the spotlight, baby, so shine!

    4 - Give the Question Time participant some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Remember that they are in the spotlight for at least one week, so do not feel the need to barrage him/her with a lengthy list of questions all at once.

    And now that you have read the rules, you may ask away!~
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Batman or Red Batman?

    Mechanics, Quantum, or Electrodynamics? ...Yes, I know you're not advanced at any of them, JUST PICK.

    Waves or particles?

    Third Law?

    Woof or arf?

    Change your name to Midnight Galaxy? Midnight Nebula? Midnight Quasar? ...Midnight Thingy?
  3. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009

    Well I've still not read any of Terry's stuff so I don't really have an opinion of him yet. I know you guys think he's amazing and I need to read about him but I can't really choose when I know nothing about him. By Batman I assume you're talking about Bruce Wayne who is a bit meh in my opinion, though even if you meant Dick Grayson <333 he is amazing but much better suited to Nightwing. I won't choose as I know nothing about Red Batman, though I expect once I do, he might be my choice.

    Hmm, well I much prefer Quantum to Mechanics (possibly because my Mechanics lecturer was rubbish) but electrodynamics sounds really awesome even though I've not covered it yet. Quantum then? Though I am looking forward to Electodynamics.

    *waves* Hello!!!!! Hmm, waves are fun, they're all wavey and flow but you can hit things with particles. Yeah, particles.

    You don't talk about Kepler's Third Law.

    Woof, arf sounds like you're throwing up.

    I'm not prem so I can't just change my name whenever I feel like it and noooo, I like Midnight Star. However I will admit that Midnight Galaxy sounds quite cool, maybe if I was prem?
  4. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Impressions, first and current?


    Does Bushy treat you right with that Giga Drill Break? >:3

    Speaking of which, have you finished Gurren Lagann?

    Why Midnisht Star?

    No seriously, why not Midnight Burning Ball of Space Gas?

    And you're awesome. Just saying~
  5. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.

    How does it feel being the first non-premium/non-staff member to have a Question Time?

    Dream career?

    Favourite Tv show/movie/band/colour?

    Where shall we go on our double date with Bushy and Fork?
  6. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    1. Original impressions?
    2. Current impressions?
    3. Favorite color and number?
    4. Favorite school subject?
    5. Favorite food, drink, meal, and snack?
    6. Favorite staff and non-staff?
  7. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine

    How are you? o;

    Do you miss Voxli?

    Remember this video?


    When are you seeing Bushy again? :C
  8. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Impressions and the such?

    How's your day?

    Would you like a cake?

    Dogs or cats?

    If you could, would you powerbomb a bear?
  9. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009

    • Cat!!!!!!!! Hi.

      I'm pretty sure my impressions of you are the same now as they used to be, you're like a constant that doesn't change. You're still crazy and hyper and woooooo~ (in the most awesomest of ways). You have an amazing taste in shows like Doctor Who (I mean you have a sonic screw driver 8DD) and Sherlock and I really enjoy it when you get all excited over something and stuff because it makes me hyper too. You've got a cool sense of humour and when you and Enzy get together....boom!!! Stuff explodes or something, probably any common sense left. But yeah, you're fun to be around big time. ^,^ And I am so hyper now!

      On the dot. But yeah, it's the awesomeset, most magical and mysterious time ever. I love it. 8D

      What. What are you implying. Um, yes?

      Yeah!!!! We finished the entire thing while he was with me (I showed him all 6 eps of Sherlock too) but yeah, it's cool. Yoko is seriously bad-ass. 8D

      Okay, well I draw stars on everything (pentagrams to be exact), I really like them, I like the magic of them and the fantasy element despite doing physics and knowing all the science of what they actually are. Would it surprise you to know I wish on stars? Anyway, I used to write stories and always had one character based on myself, that character was initially called Star. Later I expanded it to Midnight Star because I really like Midnight, it's such a magical time when anything can happen, plus I loved the combination of the words, so the name was born. When I joined the site I loved the name (still do) and didn't even consider anything else.

      Because despite how epic that sounds the name is a bit too long for me and it kinda loses a bit of the magic.

      You are more awesome. Just saying~
    • Mish!!!! I need to talk to you more, you're fairly awesome and you and Fork together are just the best. I love how you mess about and like locked him on his balcony, that made me smile so much. You can hold your own and you seem really kick ass to me. xD You're also really pretty.

      Amazing and really surprising. I really did not expect this, I feel popular. Though this is a lot harder than it looks, I'm spending like 30 mins+ on impressions for them to end up like as two lines.

      Something to do with physics that's exciting and possibly involves blowing stuff up or lasers. 8D I have no idea really, but something on the cutting edge of physics that hasn't been done before would be amazing.

      Sherlock <33/Not sure, Rise of the Guardians? Went to see that with Bushy and it was amazing! 8D/No idea/Purple~

      Ooooh I don't know, I'm rubbish at making decisions. Somewhere different and exciting like jumping out of a plane, well maybe not that. Ummm. Let's go on a hot air balloon or a rollercoaster or I have no idea. Just ignore me, I'll go mad quietly in the corner.

    • 1. Oooh hey, he posts an awful lot and seems to know everything going on, that's cool.
      2. Okay, if I'm completely honest sometimes when you stalk the staff, it seems a little bit creepy and scary how you always know what they're doing and every detail. However, your skills in spotting all the flaws and problems in the new skins are unmatched, even if some of the things are trivial.
      3. Purple and 26
      4. Physics (I'm currently studying it at university)
      5. Um, um, um. I honestly have no idea. I'm rubbish at picking favourites. Sorry!!!
      6. That's not fair!! They're all awesome. Do I have to pick? Well Bushy is favourite non staff, he's my boyfriend, what can I say? As for staff I can't choose.
    • De Frenchman!!!! Hi. You've always been quite a good person to talk to, you have a nice sense of humour and stuff. Plus putting you with Mish and wow, you make quite a couple. Still can't believe you got together on the same day as us entirely be chance but that is quite awesome. I hope all goes well for you two.

      I'm good thanks, though answeing all this stuff is harder than it looks.

      Yeah, yes, I miss it loads. It was awesome there. I mean I'm used to Skype now and that's cool, it's like msn and Voxli together but still. I miss the huge voice chats and everyone watching a YT vid there. You know, I was an admin in that room (even if that was mainly just to start vids). We'd just got everything running smoothly and everything when it shut. Just a shame a few trouble makers at the start seemed to make most of the khv staff at the time hate it but ah well.

      Of course I remember it xD Someone seems to link me to it every few months, it keeps getting back to me.

      No? Maybe? I DON'T KNOW. My keyboard isn't gold so no?

      Soon. Hopefully. After Easter sometime. I miss him so much~
    • I still imagine you bursting into the thread with a burning motorbike with spikes that rips a hole in the universe or something or other. Your entrances into LP2P were legendary, they were so random yet without fail entertaining to read. Other than that you're a pretty nice guy, it's always a pleasure to see your messages on my profile and yt vids you link are usually amusing. Thanks.

      Not bad thanks, had lots and lots of maths today, which isn't a bad thing as such. Also this is harder than I expected.

      Ooooh, yes please!!!! That's if you're offering some that isn't poisoned but I trust you. What type of cake? Is it iced? Oooh~ Please don't say it's a lie, that would just be mean after offering some.

      Cats probably, they are much more independent though truth be told I'm not much of a pet person. I mean I love animals, they are beautiful and amazing but I much prefer to watch them from a distance when they are in the wild. I'm not very good at the whole petting and stroking thing, I'm the most awkward person ever around dogs.

      Not really sure what powerbombing is. Would it get me killed or hurt? And would it get the bear killed or hurt? If the answer is no to all them, then why not? Should be fun.

    Posted at Midnight exactly ^,^
  10. Labrys King's Apprentice

    Jan 12, 2012
    Original Impressions?
    Did Bushy leave this place? I haven't seen him in forever....
    Favorite Anime
    Want to be friends?
    Who do you think is the KHV version of Chuck Norris?
    Xbox or ps3 ?
  11. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    Ahh, awesome. I recently started watching it. I watched the second series first.. for some reason.. (dat finale). Now I'm watching the first series. So good. *__*
  12. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Original/Current impressions?

    Favorite thing about Sherlock?


    /out of things to ask
  13. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Umm, another noob who posts everywhere? I'm not sure, I think you had decent grammar so I didn't mind you at all.

    You seem like a nice guy, your name makes you look like a noob but you don't really act like one that much now, so yeah you're cool.

    No, no, he's still around. Admittedly he got an awful lot busier recently meaning he doesn't have as much time so he probably hasn't been posting as much outside of rps.

    Um, Gurren Lagaan? I've only watched like 3 different animes so I really don't have a lot to go by.

    Sure!! ^,^ Why not?

    It took me ages to figure out who Chuck Norris was and I still don't get what makes him so great, maybe because I'm not American. Either way, hmm, RvR? I have no idea.

    I don't own either, or any of their predecessors, I'm really not a gamer. Hmm, maybe PS3 because my brother owns one and it looks better. Also paying extra on top each year for multi-player seems a bit silly. Though I don't really care either way, like I said I'm not a gamer.

    Original: Wow, she's an awesome rper. That rp looks scary and those posts are so long but wow, these people are so so talented.
    Current: You are an incredible person. Seriously. And I still maintain that you are an amazing rper, you are fun to rp with, your characters have depth and it'd really interesting to see how you make them react to things. Not only that but you are so kind and such a nice person, as well as good to talk to some of the chats on skype have been amazing and so much fun.

    Hmm, favourite thing? The deductions are pretty amazing, how it goes through and explains exactly how he knows everything he knows and everything makes sense just like that, it's all perfectly reasonable yet you'd never had got it. Although at the same time there are always clues so you can guess at it before it's revealed. Just in the very first episode, in the cab when he explains his deductions, that sequence was incredible.

    Shippings? Hmm, I don't know. Wookiie, obviously and Mish/Fork too. In terms of shows I don't know, you'd have to give me a show to name my shippings from. I actually don't ship Sherlock/John, I think they have an incredible friendship that does not need to be forced into a romance. I'm pretty sure Sherlock is asexual anyway.
  14. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  15. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    MIDNY :D

    Prefered hat?
    Favourite book you've ever read?
    Physics v Chemistry?
    Morning Moon?
    hercules v Feenie?
    Impressions on Last Person To Post then and now?
  16. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
  17. Labrys King's Apprentice

    Jan 12, 2012
    Lol yeah my username short of bugs me, I had it like that because it's my Xbox Live gamer tag which is pretty noobish.
    What should i change it to once i hit 300 posts? Labrys or Vongola Primo?
    Favorite Marvel character?
    Doctor Who or Supernatural?
    Favorite Chocolate topping?

  18. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    That's fair enough and I don't know, I don't want to choose. I've seen so many people hit 300 and change their name straight away, only to change it back (however noobish their original name was) before they even hit 400. I've seen people change it back before 320. So think carefully, you will either be stuck with that or your current name until you reach prem. Admittedly the ones that normally stick most are the simple simplification of names, like getting rid of numbers or just changing it to what most people know you by and call you. Either way, I'm not going to choose, I don't want to be responsible, it's your name and you have to live with it. Think carefully before changing it.

    That would probably be Kitty Pryde, who is pretty damn awesome.

    Doctor Who because it's amazing and I've not actually seen Supernatural. However I have heard a lot of good things about it so it's something I want to watch sometime.

    What do you mean? Do you mean like what type of chocolate, white, milk or dark? In which case milk chocolate is my favourite but I don't really understand the question.
  19. Labrys King's Apprentice

    Jan 12, 2012
    Toppings like Chrunch, caramel, peanut, truffle, dark, milk
  20. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Ah well out of those either milk chocolate or caramel, probably just milk chocolate.
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