Question Time Question Time with Kam Sage

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Stardust, Mar 19, 2012.

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  1. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    This week in the spotlight we have Kam Sage, also known as Peace-and-War.

    And now -- drumroll please! -- it's time for the rules. Please note that the limitations on questions are a bit different for Staff/Prem Question Time than it was with Normal QT:

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. This is still on KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed.

    4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight.

    5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote.

    All that said, you may start asking!
  2. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    1. Original impression?
    2. Current impressions?
    3. Peanut butter and jelly, peanut butter and honey, or both? (Sandwich.)
  3. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    First impressions?
    Current impressions?
    What else can I ask you?

    No seriously, what else can I ask you?
  4. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town

    Highway to Hell or Stairway to Heaven?

    What does God need with a starship?

    Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew? Cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two?

    Who was Kung-fu fighting?

    To be or not to be?

    Is there anything the galaxy can't beat if we stand together?

    Can I throw you out the airlock?

    What if the Hokey-Pokey really is what it's all about?
  5. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine

    How's Mass Effect 3?

    Have you ever been outside the country?

    Least favorite english stereotype?

    Favorite band?
  6. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    MY LOVE!

    Obligatory questions;
    Initial Impression
    Current Impression

    Now to the fun bits.

    Favorite British accent/dialect?
    Favorite Candy
    Favorite Soda
    Favorite TV Show
    Favorite Game Franchise.

    Noooow go.
  7. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    How you doin?

    Do you enjoy my presence?

    Favorite DC superhero? Marvel?

    If you could bend only one element, what would it be?

    Worst ending to a great series you've ever experienced?
  8. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    What were your first and what are your current impressions of me?

    What is your favorite subject of study?

    What is your favorite anime?

    What about manga?

    How would you describe yourself in one word?

    How about ten words or less?

    That should be all for now.
  9. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    Oh my,hello there dear <3~

    Can I be bridesmaid for when you and Noroz get married? Or maid of honour? WE COULD GO DRESS SHOPPING.
    How has your day been?
    Do you like tea?
    Sing me a song?
    Favourite thing to do on a Tuesday morning?

    Much love to youuu.
  10. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    Hello! How do you do this fine, [insert present time of day]? c:

    Favourite species of your favourite genus of animal?

    Ahhh! First & Current Impressions? > // <


    Opinions on having a "life-teacher"?

    Favourite Disney Princess?

    Favourite Disney Prince?

    Ghibli films?

    Favourite Pokemon?

    Favourite Ice Cream Flavour?

    Describe a moment with your favourite ice cream flavour ~
  11. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    First impressions


    Do you think Noroz deserves me?

    I enjoy playing video games with you, we need to play together again. You have gears of war?

    How do you feel when you are in a conversation with me and Noroz and he is constantly trying to win my heart?

    Fav video game?
  12. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Your first impression of me?

    Your current impression of me?

    Fighter, Mage or Thief? Explain your answer.

    Favorite instrument?

    What do you think makes a forum member qualify as being "active"?

    What do you think one should aspire to do with his/her life?
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Big asss reply!

    Original: troll
    Now: troll with pink name
    I thought you were just another one of those young members that comes on, posts for half a year at most then leaves. Now however, you're constantly everywhere on the forum like some omnipresent being that must spy on everyone. Glad to have you on board, Amaury, we need a Big Brother.

    Sandwiches, not tried either, but honey and PB sounds nicer to me, so that one.*

    Then: Decent RPGer, a bit of a fan girl and obsessed with Tony Stark, but sweet(ish)

    Now: *Well some things never change! :p
    I like you Cat, lovely member, maybe a bit too Whovian for me, but lovely nonetheless.

    You can ask me anything you like.
    Meaning of life, Pokemon comparisons, love life and lack there of, brands of tea, Chinese culture, spittoons, etc. Anything that pops into your head, my dear.

    Long time member who I've had the unfortunate circumstance to have not talked much to. But from brief glimpses I see a decent person of consideration, tolerance and madness. : )

    I'm on the Highway to Heaven. Cause I'm so original.

    Because God can. God is Boss!

    Not everybody. That eye witness statement was falsified by the people who dub Chinese films.

    That is the question. For whether it be in the mind of outrageous fortune must give us pause. To die, to sleep forever more. Something like that...*

    Chuck Norris?

    Only if it has been certified by filling in the form labelled: N0Y0uc4nt.

    Then, by God, we better pray that the Zombie Apocalypse can stop it!

    At first a bit pompous I thought, maybe a bit big headed after becoming staff, but now I see it as more confidence and security in who you are. You actually remind me of one of my good friends, he's a bit mad but funny and kind, so it's a good thing! :D

    Mass Effect 3 has been overall a fantastic game, brilliant build up to the whole story throughout, you feel like you're making some major changes in the galaxy whilst you're playing it, and joint together the whole galaxy against the most terrifying threat is beyond epic.
    The gameplay has been great and the improvements are nice and feel fluid. Multiplayer was a surprising success in my eyes.
    Shame that the ending left too much to be desired. Not saying I hate what happened, just there should have been so much more to it.

    I have been outside the country. Been to Florida and New York, as well as Cyprus and France. I was too young to appreciate them all, and the last time I was abroad must have been 6 or 7 years ago.*

    Snobby rich kids. Payed for education yet thick as **** in life. With their 'mummy and daddy' paying for their gap year in guatomala to be excited by who the natives live with nothing but have everything, before going on a skiing trip in the Alps and then taking a course in the fine arts at Cambridge because their parents 'donated' some money into the Headmasters pockets.
    Just so ****ing annoying...

    I guess... A Perfect Circle, I've liked their music for so long and still do that I would consider them my favourite.

    Initially you were an alright guy, bit of a sexual orientated bloke, cared about making comments about women then much else, had an ego about him
    Now, all of that still but tipped off with a good guy, until you open your mouth and start insulting me, someone I connect with well and would by a pint if he met him.
    You're my BFF! <3

    Favourite Brit accent?
    West Country. With quotes like 'Hell-low my lov-urgh!' and 'I've got a brand new Combine Harvester, I'll give you the keys!'
    It's sexy and you know it!

    Hmm, might have to be Cadbury Dairy Milk Caramel Bar.
    Caramel is sex in a bar.

    Um, I'd say Pepsi Max is my fav fizzy. I'm more of a juice man though.

    TV... I would say recent years it has been The Walking Dead or Dexter. Overall, it's gotta be Fraiser, I can and have watched them over and over and enjoyed them every time. Timeless comedy.

    Apart from KH?*
    Probably Mass Effect, I've followed it since day one, bought almost everything related to it and just enjoyed the hell out of it incredibly so.

    Just chillin, killin.

    Magnanimously enjoying you're very existence.

    Well, I haven't been into either franchise for a long while that in depth...
    For DC I would say The Joker, just cause he has one of the best personalities ever made up that bas developed over decades and has some of the greatest lines I've ever heard: "If you're going to have an origins story, might as well be multiple choice."*

    For Marvel? Um,*

    I would bend Unobtanium.

    Hmm, I see what you're doing... But I won't say what you expect me to say. I would say the Halo series, constantly left endings that have left no real conclusion or allowed comfort for the story at all. I mean jus one thing after another things seemed to end abruptly or unsatisfactory.

    ME3 fogeys a dishonourable mention...

    First impressions were a nice new addition to the Discussion section, since you had unique ideas and supported them very well, with a blunt attitude that I can respect.
    Now, that all stands but your attitude seems more then blunt sometimes, it seems at times aggressive or overpowering. Not to mention you argue everything even when you have lost, that's just annoying as hell! Still, a respectable person to know.

    Study... Now if you mean in academia then it would be English language, where the study of the use of talk peeks my interests and it's something I'm good at.
    If you mean in my personal time, it would be Chinese History, Religion and Culture, which I've had a passion for the last half decade, and can barely speak it, but hell if I can do any of the writing apart from the numbers 1,2,3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, etc

    Anime... Well i haven't watched that many to be honest, haven't watched any for years but my favourite has to be Shaman King, I just loved the concept and the fights and story, just something I loved to watch.

    Manga, well I've not read any manga at all, except maybe the KH ones but I don't think they count.


    Someone who thinks too much about things, maybe?

    Ah my little Leprechaun...
    I've enjoyed your quirky ideas, with your Tim Curry obsession which borders on the manic obsessive. But all in all a sweet, interesting lovely lady of loving loveliness.

    I love how you say 'WHEN we get married' he's too obsessed with Sabby to marry me so Maid of honour if you like but I don't-DRESS SHOPPING?!! Giiiiiirl, I'm sold let's not wait for the wedding, let's go now, and shoes we need new shoes!!!

    Day has been slow, uneventful and boring. But thank you for asking.

    Tea is alright, not much of a fan but I have one a day in the morning so I'm alright.

    The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round all day long!

    Not going out and sleeping in for a while and relaxing. Ah, lovely.

    Hi! I am doing [insert whatever mood I am in] thank you!

    Well that would be:
    Genus - Milvus
    Species - Milvus Milvus

    I wish I knew you better, my dear, or maybe i just don't remember you that well ! :x
    But from what I do know and remember you seem bubbly, funny and full of life. And maybe a little cheeky, which is cute! :)*
    All of which I love to see, so I like you basically.

    Sweaters? Nope, a jumper but no sweater. Too... Sweaty.

    What the heck is a life teacher?



    Snorlax. We has a lot in common...

    Sea-salt ice cream! But sadly no, Vanilla.

    Umm, I was eating the vanilla ice cream. I was hungry and got one. What a moment that was! : ' )
    I want ice cream now...

    Ms Li... That was a hell of a long time ago, I don't even remember half of the new members let alone the oldies! XD
    No, I never really got a first impression from you since you were around the Spam zone and I wasn't for about three years.*
    But general impressions... You're bossy, loud, at times put people down (well Noroz)... But you're incredibly sweet, kind, thoughtful, dedicated, caring and lovely to boot. Glad to know you, sweety! c:

    Noroz only deserves you if he competes in three tasks of my own making, each in increasing difficulty and toughness that will push him to the limits! If he completes them, then you shall take him!

    Damn time zone differences... I have Gears 1 and 2.

    I feel disappointed I can't express my own unwavering love for you myself! Marry me Sabby!

    I can't pick just the one... But a game by itself that I love... Persona 3

    Ah damn it... I know you, I really do know you from loads of places on KHV why can't I think of it, Kroshanks... Why?

    Well, you've been a damn decent bloke around here that's been here for ages, always nice to see you around and am happy to have met you on here!

    Theif. Can take care of people one at a time if they get in his way, he's agile, nimble, and whilst sneaking can see everything but nothing sees him. Perfect.

    I don't play any instrument so I haven't got a favourite, but I suppose the Piano which is what I use to play and was fairly decent at it, not mention enjoyed it when I played. So yeah.

    Someone who comes online to post on threads a few days a week at least. Otherwise they are just drifting through.

    Learn. The more people know, the more they can make right decisions that affect themselves and others. Learning your place, learning your happiness, learning who you are can make life seem so much better and secure then before. We should all try to learn more.
  14. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland

    Where did your name come from?

    What inspires you to stay on this site?

    Are you even on this site for KHV?

    Do you think you are well received among the staff?

    Call of Duty or Mass Effect?

    Magical Girls or My Little Pony?
  15. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Oooh, Paw, I hope you're having fun with this ~

    Okay, now for my questions . . .

    The ever original: Impressions?

    What kind of person would you consider yourself in terms of personality?

    What is the deepest part of depression you've been in?

    Okay, enough with the serious.

    Strawberries or cherries?

    If you could, would you send dear Saxima a Dr Pepper?

    What do you think is the silliest thing you've ever done while no one was watching?
  16. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    What are the tasks?
  17. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    My question to you all: What is it with people and impressions?

    Which name, Peace-and-War or Kam Sage? Or both maybe?

    Now that is a most interesting question. What makes me keep coming back are the members and the community. The members consist of good people, all with uniqueness. The community consists of close knit people with great relationships and a willingness to help each other.

    I'm on this site still for KH news, but to be honest apart from KH3DS I can't stay here just for the lack of big breaking news. Don't doubt my fangasms for Sora and the gang.

    The current Staff? Sure. The old staff? God no, the amount of times I pissed them off...
    I think they don't know me that we'll personally, that's why I haven't been banned again yet! :p

    Call of Duty obviously. Wait no, you tricked me!

    Umm, neither? Alright My Little Pony, since I have no clue about Magical Girls.

    You've asked the most interesting of questions, Feenie. I like it.

    You saw that last post? That was a day long bit of fun! Nah, I'm enjoying being on this. Feeling like a star!

    Playful, smart and sassy. Also mixed with sweetness and and spice and everything nice. Lovely to see you wander around the hallways of KHV, and hear you speak.

    If I had to say a personality type: Mixed. Ever Changing. Mood orientated. That might not be clear enough though... I don't see myself much in terms of personality, I see how I am as a person each and every day. You probably have a better grip on what my personality is then I do.

    Beyond the blackest of black, and the darkest of nights, to the point of delusion and madness. To believe I was some important creature for an alien race, the flick of anger and emotion, to the point I literally ripped a clump of hair from my head in madness.*
    To the point that my memory has been corroded, and unless properly flagged up, I can't remember most of my life. I've blocked out the problems and pains of the past, and as a result blocked everything out.
    That is my greatest scar I believe I gained from my time in the ditch of depression.

    I have been deeper then many. I would not wish it on anyone. One hell of a crawl upwards from the deepest hole of despair. But I've been through the worst so anything apart from that is pretty much positive.

    Both are considered aphrodisiacs, are you trying to imply something my little Saxima?
    Are you hoping me to pick your cherry, or suck on a strawberry? Decisions.

    I would send one, what the hell lets make it two Dr Peppers and we have a deal!

    That I can remember... I threw something big on purpose just for fun. Like a speaker or something like that, just because I could and was in that mood. Stupid as **** but it's what happened. I don't count dancing and wining by myself as that silly, because of how consistent I am in doing it.

    To be thought of.
  18. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    First and current impressions?

    Favorite song?

    What do you find most interesting about the KHVers as a whole?

    Least favorite novel?

    Trapped on an island, five members are with you. Who would they be, and for more fun:

    Which would you eat first?
    Which would you be most likely to wish to procreate with?
    Which would be the one you look to for comedic relief?
    Who would be the dissenter of your team?

    And finally

    Who would you trust to get you off of the island?
  19. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Let's play gears 1 together, please? :D
  20. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Initially I believed you to be of the female variety and believed that for a few years. How righ-wrong I was!
    At first you seemed a little noob-ish, but don't take that personally I think everyone is without at least one green gem to their name. Didn't pay tha much attention till you became staff and the I saw you were fair, friendly and considerate of other members and their opinions, acting appropriately when the need arose. Defiantly a staff member I'd want in power. Just don't ban me! :p

    Favourite song... Jeez that's a toughie. I've never really thought about it, i don't put favourites with y music, but if I was to be pushed I would say:
    Teenage Wasteland - The Who

    Jane Eyre. Not the whole novel per se, I liked the relationship between Rochester and Jane, the playful nature between them and how it plays on status.
    The rest of the novel consists of this Bronte sister making Jane talk about her pathetic life, which I have no connection to at all, and where I swear one or two chapters could have been omitted altogether. What a waste of a read.

    If I'm to take the trapped members on the island serious as people who i need to take, then we're gonna die.

    I choose you!
    Jiku Neon

    Noroz. Why else would I bring him with me but to have a go at his meat.

    Sabby. Because I wouldn't be able to stop rubbing it *into Noroz's face. And that I slept with Sabby.

    What?. That grinning smile and constant rhetorical questioning will cause my sides to split with happiness. Big words are funny after all.

    Makaze. Self confessed anarchist would likely cause trouble by keeping all the food to himself. He won't share Noroz with everyone, greedy boy!

    Jiku Neon. With her skills of constantly correcting forum grammar, I could harness all that hot air into a makeshift balloon and float away.
    Or better yet lasso her and ride like a sea turtle, like a raft using rope... Made of hair... From my back.

    Sure, it's a date!
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