Question Time with Jayn~

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Korra, Oct 4, 2011.

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  1. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Apologies for the delay, my internet has been temperamental due to the weather. In any case, this week's QT goes to Jayn.

    Now as always, before we begin I have some rules for you guys - but if you notice, the question cap has been moved up to ten, as Prems tend to be more active:

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. It's still on KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed.

    4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight.

    5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 10, and no more than 50 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than ten questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote.

    Ask on.
  2. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Impressions? Then and now... Or a story, if you please.

    What is the thing that you most regret doing?

    What is the thing that you least regret doing?

    What was your most enticing and vivid dream? Describe it throughly.

    What makes you happy with your life? Most completely.
  3. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    First impression of me?

    What's the best thing about KHV?

    In your opinion, what is needed most for a successful RP to be created?

    Do you prefer bunnies or penguins?
  4. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009

    Sun or Moon?

    How on earth do you rp so amazingly?

    Would you go sky diving?

    Dance with me?

    What is the question of the Life, the Universe and Everything? :P

    Slow and steady or fast and furious?


    How girly are you?

  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Zither or Sitar?

    The view from Low or High?

    The role of Master or Pupil?
  6. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Your impressions of me. Of when we first met and now?

    Your favourite thing about singing is?

    How is it that you are so awesome?

    If you could do one thing right now. Anything at all. What would it be?

    What was the origin behind the name 'Jayn'?

    Tell me a story? :)

    Will you take me on as your assistant?! :D

    Dinner at the space needle? (I think I remembered it right... XD)

    Tell me something about anime that is important to you?

    Anything else you wanna say to me? Anything at all?

    Love ya, soul-sis! XD
  7. Stella Nox Fleuret Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 1, 2010
    Why are you so nice? ^^

    Is your avatar Catherine from Catherine? (yeah...I'm that stupid I can't even tell XD)

    Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy?

    That's all I've got right now.
  8. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Banned

    Jul 19, 2007
    Code Vault
    First impressios and Now impressios!

    Who do you think I'd be perfect partnered with?

    Mad at me for my late deliverance of my singing part?
  9. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Impressions, then and now. C:

    Do you mind that ship SabbyXJaynXStardust?

    Do you mind that I write fanfics of it?

    Favorite Clannad character?

    Leave Fuzzy for me?*shot*

    You liking the red name?

    My sig. You like it?
  10. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    Starting with a cliche: Impressions?

    Favorite table?

    You land on a desert island with 3 objects. What are they?

    1, 2, 3, 4?

  11. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    What do you really think of me before and now?

    We'll run away together soon, alright?

    Fave bands?



    Believe in fairytale endings?
  12. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    impressions?(cuz no one EVEEER asks that...)


    favorite horse species?

    a zombie is attacking will use a peanut or a chainsaw?

    would you like a muffin?

    favorite eating utensil?

    fuzzy or squishy?

    jayn wants a cracker?

    may you give me re- *shoot*

    WASD or arow keys?

    what does the existence of the universe mean to you?

    bacon- crispy or crispy-er?
  13. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    If you were stranded on a desert island with plenty of food and fresh water that somehow had electricity, and you had internet somehow. Would you choose to bring Fuzzy (your cat), or your computer?

    Do you ever feel creeped out by your fellow members?

    If no, did you know that I go through your garbage every morning, taking "interesting" stuff?


    What is your biggest passion?

    If you could transform into any, living or dead, person for an hour, who would you become?

    How come the guy above me doesn't know how to count to ten?

    Do you like hats?

    Have you ever had any pets, other than Fuzzy, or taken care of someone elses pet?
  14. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Impressions. /originality

    Favorite building, in terms of architecture?

    Favorite accesory?

    You're underground, running out of air. You can only send your will to the surface and you have one minute to write it. What do you write?
  15. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011

    Favorite Game, besides KH

    Favorite Pop?

    Favorite Noroz?

    Favorite Class?

    Why won't you ever stop hitting on me?
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    If I missed any of your questions, or misinterpreted them, let me know. ;__; *Back to sleep*

    I'll take the impressions.

    Then: The first time you -ever- directly interacted with a post of mine on the forums was when I had like a mental breakdown in the spamzone for some reason and you misinterpreted it as prose and said it was lacking emotion. So. My first direct opinion of you was pretty much negative, not hateful, but your arrogance annoyed me.

    Somewhere in the middle: My opinion changed to less negative and more indifferent. I deemed you more apathetic than anything. Just a flip personality type. Kind of like a less-fun-to-mess-with P.

    Currently: I just know better than to reply to you when you try to start a debate or something. I really hate that. Everyone has different opinions, and while it's alright to fight for what you believe in, with me personally...I wish you'd just let it go. I'd rather not get into some pointless debate about it, especially if it's not even in the debate section and my opinion is still validly my opinion. If it differs from yours or anyone else's, then it differs. Other than that, still indifferent. You intrigue me at times, though.

    That's difficult to remember. There's plenty of embarrassing moments I could place here, but I don't think they're regret-worthy. I also believe if some of the worst moments in my life hadn't have happened, I would be shaped differently. If I remember something later on I'll answer this question again and inform you.

    I moved in with my dad for a couple of years, which was an absolutely terrible situation. But I don't regret it. If I hadn't I would have gone insane. I'm glad I did that.

    You're asking a lot of memory digging questions, and I really don't know the answer to them. I can only remember nightmares so vividly. Enticing? No memory of one. Horrific? Yes. I will describe that if you wish.

    First Impressions: To be honest, I don't remember. I just knew you role played.

    The best thing about KHV. That's actually really hard. I suppose what's always set KHV aside to me has been the time I've spent here. I've been an active member here for 4 years and I always come back to this forum, never any others. So I guess the best thing is that I kind of grew up here, sad to say. It's kind of like my Internet home. /dork

    In my opinion, you should have organization, involvement and creativity for a successful role play. No one wants to role play the same scenario over and over again. No one wants to stare at an opening post that has no effort put into it. Not referring to graphics, but referring to color coordination and paragraph structure. The -neater- the role play is, the easier it is to navigate through information. Also, friends. Lol. Someone to link to RP to so the word gets out.

    I definitely prefer bunnies.

    First Impression: She role plays, that's cool.

    Somewhere in the middle: She has an adorable accent, omg. /Voxli

    Currently: HER STILL ALIVE WAS SOOO CUTE. And other than that, I wish we could role play least once, lol.

    The Moon. <3

    I don't really think I do, honestly. Everyone who thinks I do flatters me. I think it's sweet. But...It's just graphics + color + length. Nothing really amazing about it to me. Just takes a few more hours than a regular post would, which is awful. xD

    I am deathly afraid of planes, so no.


    What is 42?

    Haha, I don't know what this question is referring to. Slow and steady.

    Len Kagamine?

    Oh damn. That's hard. On the Internet, there's so much pink and girly pastel colors everywhere. IRL? Pretty average. I have girly moments, but I also have not-so-girly moments. My dad thinks I'm too tomboyish, and put me in Charm School for it a couple of years ago. ;_;


    Sitar is cooler looking, to me.

    Low. High makes me nauseous.

    Depends on who the other person is, all in all. But I'm generally more passive so pupil.

    Past: Oh, this guy. This bright orange color on MSN is SO BLINDING. Oh, hey, we actually have a lot in common. Oh crap, other me?

    Current: I don't even want to talk about this here. It feels like getting naked in public. Putting it short, you're awesome. I'm glad I met you. You're one of the most loyal friends I have. I value you, and hope we don't ever drift apart.

    Singing. Hm. The music itself. I don't know. I don't find as much passion in actually singing as I do in just the whole musical aspect of everything. The other day I was working on pitch correction/compression and EQ for a friend's vocals and I was having the time of my life. I just love music. xD

    I would probably go back to sleep, haha.

    I don't even know. Everyone always asks and I just...Don't know. I think it was my name on Youtube first. xJayn and then I registered here for AMVs and used the same name. Not sure where it actually came from though, which makes me sad. ;__;

    Once upon a time there was a very sleepy girl named Jayn. Come back later for the continuation.

    Assistant for what? UNPAID INTERNSHIP, FTW.

    It's a date. <3

    Uhhhh...Something important? An escape, I guess. If I can't get engulfed in the plot of an anime to the point of forgetting the world, I can't watch it. I'll never finish it.

    Love you too. :]

    That's really nice of you to say! I don't think I'm...tremendously nice. I have my moments where I'm kind of horrible. <3

    Yes! Catherine. You're not stupid for that. xD You're not the first who's asked.

    Kingdom Hearts. I've only played one FF game.

    First: -Crickets-

    Now: I like you. Wish I had you on MSN, though. But you were really funny in Voxli that time I was there and Maka was on the mic, too. So that was fun. You're also a good role player.


    Yep! Not just you, though. I'm upset with What?, Catastrophe, and Slaughtermatic, too! I thought there was a 4th, but that must be you. All of you gave me dates it'd be done, and ALL OF YOU LIED.

    Then: I barely noticed your existence. I thought you were super inactive.

    Now: I'm sad I barely noticed your existence. You're amazing and I wish we talked more, and I wish you replied to my VMs, and I wish we were really cousins. ;__;

    No, that's sexy.

    plz do and plz share

    Male: Tomoya Female: Ushio. :'3

    That's inces--Oh, what the hell. :lolface:

    It's aiight.

    It is hilarious.

    Past: I wish I knew you.

    Current: I wish I knew you. :c

    Um. Excuse me?

    A rainbow with a pot of gold at the end (my end), a magic lamp, and working cell phone, just in case.

    Tell me that you love me more?


    Before: I believe you were gone for quite a bit. I remember you coming back, or posting in the Spamzone and everyone was like, omgsabby<3<3 and I was like, who is this girl. I never knew you and I didn't want to talk to you because you were too cool for me. ...So I didn't.

    Now: You're a very...interesting person. Not in a bad way. When you're upset and throwing out violent threats, it's amusing. When you're just talking, you're very expressive, which is good--to me. There's emotion behind your text, which I prefer instead of some of the members that make everything they say look-seem cold/emotionless. Sabby is warm...and very pretty. And still much too cool for me.

    That warms my heaaaart. <3

    Oh man. uhhh. I don't think I have any I really obsess over. I AM MELTING POT OF MUSIC.

    Clannad is my favorite anime of alllll timeeeee.

    I wish I could read manga without getting distracted. ;__;


    Before: I don't really know you.

    Now: I still don't really feel like I know you enough to have a solid opinion. But you're always pretty respectful in my graphic shop thread, so I appreciate that. xD

    Lol, there are different types of horses? *Shot*

    Chainsaw, plz. ;_;


    Chopsticks. /weeaboo

    Fuzzy. <3

    What happened to that muffin idea?

    oh lord.

    Arrow keys, unless I'm playing a first person shooter style game on the computer. Then WASD.

    I believe we're all here for a reason. Some reason.


    Lawl. Considering he's a cat, I'd bring my computer.

    Everyday, Christ.

    ...Yep, definitely everyday.


    I don't think I could handle that, so probably no one. Unless... ...Nope, that wouldn't be appropriate at all, no one.

    Perhaps you should teach him.

    I never wear them. But I do like them. ; ;

    Lol...Yes. I currently have a dog and (another) cat. And I've had looots of pets. Usually bad experiences follow.

    First: You're pretty cool for a newb.

    Current: You're a very good role player. I like your first-person entries the best. Anyways, I'm glad you survived the first few weeks on KHV and have stayed active. You're ... Well, I use the word 'sweet' for everything. But you're a very -respectful- member and I'm glad we've gotten to interact.

    Interesting question. I'm sorry I have no answer for it. I could say something cliche like the Eiffel tower, but that's not all too amazing to me now.

    I actually wear a bow/headband every. day. It's apart of my OCD. If there's no headband on my head, I will cry and probably break down. And I have an unhealthy obsession with bows.

    "Go into my room, to the red bookcase and open the 'NOTEBOOK' diary. Turn to page 56. It's labeled." /has written makeshift will.

    First: You're apart of that game playdate thing.

    Now: Wish we talked more, but my impression of you in generally the same. You're not...rude, which is great. [IF YOU GUYS HAVEN'T NOTICED YET, I DISLIKE RUDE MEMBERS.] I didn't recognize your name, though.


    Cream Soda.

    You. c':

    /done with school. Otherwise, English or Music classes.

    Because I love you and having worked up the courage to admit it, yet.
  17. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    First impression of me?
    Impression now
    Favorite RP ever
    Favorite current RP
    Planning any new RPs?
    Have ever met Fuzzy in real life?
    Will you ever meet him in real life? Do you want to?
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Before: Just another member.
    Now: You're so kind and sincere and adorable. I love you, kiddo. I'm glad you're my little sister, and I really think of you as such. You mean a lot to me and I want the very best for you. <3

    Hmmm...I actually really enjoyed an RP made by -diamplified, that I can't remember the name of. xD Despite how fast it died. It was fun for me, for some reason.

    Currently, my favorite RP is pretty much nonexistent. There's not one I'm particularly passionate about ATM.

    Indeed. Always planning. >:3

    I met Fuzzy IRL this summer. He stayed with me for a week and took me to prom. <3
  19. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Impressions plz


    Finish Steins;Gate?

    How are you todayyyy?

    Favorite KHV moment?
  20. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    D'awwww You met Fuzzy AND he took you to your Prom? Sooo Sweet <3

    And I is happy that you are my sister too :D Dammit now Imma cry happy tears XD *hugs Jayn*
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