Question Time Question Time with Cstar!

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Plums, Apr 14, 2014.

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  1. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Question Time with...


    A couple of guidelines before you begin..

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. This is still KHV, which means that you must not use this thread as an excuse to berate or harass the Question Time participant. That being said...

    2 - ...The Question Time participant does not have to answer all of the questions.

    3 - The Question Time participant must maintain some level of activity within this thread. Don't leave all of your questions unanswered. You're in the spotlight, baby, so shine!

    4 - Give the Question Time participant some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Remember that they are in the spotlight for at least one week, so do not feel the need to barrage him/her with a lengthy list of questions all at once.

    And now that you have read the rules, you may ask away!~

  2. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    1. Original impressions?
    2. Current impressions?
    3. BOO! BOO! BOO! BOO!
    4. Favorite school subject?
    5. Do you like school?
    6. Watch this short video of the Kingdom Hearts II Pete battle in Timeless River. While watching the video, also pay close attention to Donald and Goofy's HP and MP meters as well as their voices. After watching it, tell me if you feel bad for them or who you feel bad for more and who you feel was "punished" more.
    7. Favorite color and number?
    8. Favorite staff and non-staff?
    9. If you had the opportunity to meet me, would you?
    10. Poke.
  3. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    do you shine bright in the night sky?
    does this avatar and signature make you laugh like it makes me laugh?
    what type of music do you like? favorite artists/songs stuff like that
    how ya doin'
  4. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Are you mafia

    1. First and current impressions?
    2. If you could travel to one country outside of your own, where would you go, and why?
    3. Barring Kingdom Hearts, what are your top three favorite video game franchises?
    4. When do you think Google will take over the world?
    5. What is your favorite color?
  5. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    1. Impressions? (Original / Current)
    2. No really are you mafia?
    3. What do you believe your best quality is?
    4. Top 3 most hated video games?
    5. Favorite band?
    6. Favorite song?
    7. All out of are you?
  6. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    You're give a corner of the spiraling universe to call your very own pad! What things would you fill it up with?
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    1. "Oh look it's some guy."
    2. "Oh look it's Amaur- aw man he posted in the Feedback & Assistance section again... wait... that's something that exists? What?! WHAT."
    3. ...I think you may or may not have swallowed a ghost you might want to get that checked out.
    4. History, I just enjoy it because I learn something new everyday and I usually use it in some way shape or form later. But woodshop is a close second.
    5. I like school, I just don't like my school system.
    6. -yawns- d-did Sora not have any potions or ability to cure? Like, Donald was being pretty nice considering the second he gained his mp back he would heal somebody... usually not himself unless he was the only one injured... and well... I feel like I was punished more deciding to actually watch all 5 minutes of that.
    7. <--- that is my favorite number. And favorite color is actually a complicated question because... I consider my favorite color to be this exact shade of blue. [Question continued in Talewind Question 5]
    8. I like them all... don't make me choose. but my favorite nonstaff is probably @wonsheep (sorry for tagging you seonbae)
    9. I guess so, I have no reason to not.
    10. ...-pokes back-

    1. Um... I think this is the first time we have talked outside of a thread. I could be wrong. Nice to meet you! I am so sorry if we have met before this.
    2. ...YOU JUST REMINDED ME THERE IS A LUNAR ECLIPSE TONIGHT. But anyway, yeah I only shine bright in the night sky when I feel like it, because I don't want everyone to just see me shining all the time. Wouldn't that be annoying? Especially when you are trying to get some sleep.
    3. I... am amused by it but I am not laughing... kind of wish I knew the anime(what is the anime)
    4. I like all types of music, but I'm not extremely fond of most rap/pop music lately... I don't really have "favorite artists" but I would love to be able to see Florence + the Machine, Adele, Red, or a lot of post rock groups live... I wanna know what a post rock group sounds like live.
    5. I am doing fine, I'm looping the same song over and over again as I answer these questions and I think other then that everything is good. Thank you~

    I swear to god did you have to bring it h-

    1. (based on your return this year) "I recognize that username, why do I recognize that username?"
    (now) "Wow this guys is surprisingly a lot more active that most returnees, we should give him an award.
    2. OOO... um... good question. I'd probably go somewhere up in the Arctic Circle. I don't care how cold it is, I wanna go.
    3. (in no particular order) Legend of Zelda, Elder Scrolls, Sims/Animal Crossing (I only linked those two together because even though Sims may be a franchise I mod it a lot... and animal crossing screams franchise more to me than Sims)
    4. It already has.
    5. ...But the color that I enjoy the most shades of is purple... so I guess I'll just say purple for now.

    1. So is... Cards against Humanity Saturdays now a thing because I need to beat everyone at least once ;_;
    2. GO AWAY
    3. I have nice eye- Oh you mean like, personality wise? I guess I am more accepting of giving people a chance... although this could also be a terrible quality.
    4. (not in any particular order)
    -Angry Birds (I do not find enjoyment out of it and I rarely hate something because it is overrated but this is that one game)
    -Sonic 06(It's so broken and when I just decide to watch cutscenes I can't even enjoy them...)
    -Petz for P.C (THEY ALWAYS RUN AWAY FROM ME AND THE WAY THEY MAKE KITTENS IS CONFUSING AS HECK [oh and the game is just a pet owning simulator with no substance in my eyes])
    5. I do not have a favorite, so I'll just say Red.
    6. Again, I do not have a favorite. But right now I really like this song called Polar Bear by Puscifer
    7. Well at this point in answering the questions I'm a little tired but otherwise I'm alright.

    [what was in the puush]

    2. cstar= colleen+star. Given to me by family members because there were 4 of us who's names started with c. Colleen, Cassandra, Camille, Caitlin. My name was the only one that stuck, it was given to me due to my love for seastars.

    3. That's rather bold...

    4. PERFECT.

    5. and electonics... yup... I'm lame like that... (omg and I would love a chinchilla)
  8. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    Nichijou. I suppose it's funnier with context.
  9. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    It's a challenge. From the description:

  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    I see how it is. // hair flip //
    I remember that conversation!!

    2009 impressions when we first met.
    2012 impressions when we met again.
    Current impressions.
    Favorite Shugo Character?
    Are you almost done yet?
    Why do you keep putting it off for JoJo? JoJo isn't nearly as great as Shugo.
    What would you say has been your favorite RP from all the years?
    Do you still want that keyboard?
    Out of all the characters you've ever created, who has been your favorite?
    Do you like HAM?
    Favorite Disney movie?
    Favorite Musical?
    Favorite brother?
    What are the 3 Laws of Magic?
    You, me, Jayn, Sax, TB, Tommy, Beema, Mono, and Ash are all in a plane crash. You can only save three of us. Who would they be?
    What 5 members would you pick for you Zombie Apocalypse Survival Crew?
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    So how bout that keyboard?

    1. "Well... I don't really know her but I like her characters!"
    2. "I recognize her... I recognize her! -a few months later- WE RPED TOGETHER IN THAT THREAD WITH THE KINGS AND SUCH."
    3. "I love hyuge, and I don't regret saying that she is one of my besties on here. But damn. she knows how to get me emotionally when she writes."
    4. Ooo... I still think it's Kairi but oh man Ikuto.
    5. I am not, I am at Ep 55. I haven't touched it in a while. I got kind o- oh the next question I can answer it there.
    6. It's not that I have been putting it off for JoJo (I'm behind with JoJo), it's just that right now it's going through a lot of "lets look back at the past episodes" montages and I just get tired of it after a while. Now that it's been a while I think I'll start watching it again during vacation. And JoJo and Shugo are on two different levels. It's like comparing coca cola to tequila.
    7. The Fallen, and I'm not saying that because you asked the question, but because I have put so much time into it and I think I love every single character in it... even if there have been really STUPID moments.
    9. At least whatever remains of Ham.
    10. It's a tossup between Hunchback of Notre Dam and Lion King... probably Notre Dam though.
    11. How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.
    12. Brother Jon from when I went to Glastonberry Abb- Oh wait you mean family don't you? Neither, they are both awful -_-
    13. No Killing, No making people fall in love, no bringing back from the de- wait... that's wishes... I think I'll just keep it as that.
    14. Obviously @Moksha and ONLY Moksha... Okay but in all seriousness, it would probably be the nearest 3 to me at the time, because I wouldn't just run in looking for one particular person.
    15. okay, do you want my 5 to be people on the forum, living people(not saying khv isn't living, I mean like celebrities or something, I just wanted to make that an option as opposed to-), Fictional characters, or a mix? Either you get back to me with which you want, or someone else can ask it.
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ohohohoh? Question time with starry?


    2. Y u so fabulous?

    3. Would you ever be willing to join me in my trolling ways?

    4. Do you ever tell yourself you want to be a rock? I heard they are pretty cool
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    1. (original) "D-does this guy come up with this stuff on spot because I can't stop laughing."
    (now) "Can I master the art of the TwilightBlader? It must be a simple life."
    2. Because I drink the blood of the fabulous. You are what you eat after all.
    3. Have I not already? If not, no. I don't like you~
    4. I do actually. A rock must have no worries or cares whatsoever. It is just fully content with being a rock.
  14. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    1. First impressions?
    2. Current Impressions?
    3. Favorite Movie?
    4. Favorite Band?
    5. Evaluation of the cast of SOS? (Just a brief statement of how the groups act would be fine)?
    6. How can you be so awesome that I recognize it even though I have barely talked to you at length? (Is a kiss up)
    7. Am I following you on EO? (I should follow you on EO...)
  15. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    1. "Oh, he rps. He's funny though."
    2. "D-does he really think I am ignoring him on skype when he does this because I don't want him to really think that."
    3. Oh nooo you had to ask this question... um... UMM. I can pop in Spirited Away at any time no matter what mood I am in and I can sit through it and love it. So I'll just say Spirited Away
    4. [See Princess ♥ Question 5]
    5. Everyone who is currently active is very dedicated and I respect that so much. Beast Castle's group is handling everything pretty well, Camelot is making me laugh, and Corona is just... slow but enjoyable.
    6. Recognize how awesome I am? I was just singing kid cartoon theme songs from the 90's. How can you be more awesome than that?
    7. EO? What the heck is t- is that that forum that I joined and then never did anything and I haven't logged in in months?
  16. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    Lol. No I just saw this thread and wanted to know.

    Whoops. Missed that when scanning to make sure I wouldn't re-ask anything.

    XD Yeah Probably.
  17. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    1. First and last impression?
    2. Favourite Doctah~
    3. Worst song you've ever had the displeasure of listening~?
    4. Is it wrong that I first accidentally misread/pronounced your username in my head as See-Saw? ;3
    5. Favourite dance move (if any)?
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    The laws are the same. EEEEEEEEEEh // jeopardy buzzer //
    You can't change the past, you can't make people fall in love with you, and you can't bring back the dead. They are the same as wishes. You would have been right if not for the first answer.

    KHV people.

    You skipped a question:
  19. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    First impressions?
    Current impressions?
    Favorite companion?
    Is Kyle really the worst at CAH?
    luxord's dead parents?
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    1. "Oh look she got staff. Yay~ (omg that is pathetic I'm so sorry)
    2. This is a hard choice. My first doctor was 9 so I kind of have a special place for him, but when my dad had me watch a bunch of re-runs with him, 5 was the one that called out to me the most. Hooray for Celery.
    3. for right now, it is this one. It just has no substance to it for me. I'm only saying for "right now" because I can't seem to find the song I really wanted to put here.
    4. No, it's better than seaster or seastern. I like see-saws!!
    5. The "I don't know what the heck I'm doing but this somehow fits the beat so I'll still keep doing it" move.

    Shoot um... I really shouldn't have made this an option. Whoever has combat and survival experience on here I'll take 4 of you, and then I'll take one of you for sacrificial purposes.

    Oh shoot. Hm... um. In planning, I really love looking at what I planned out for Semyaza because I feel like she could have been such an interesting character. I think I made her a little to flexible in the end. But in execution I really do think that in a video rp I did in 2010, my character which just ended up looking like and being named Seifer was my best character. He ended up being the cocky, greedy little ******* I wanted him to be, and when he finally had his breakdown it just felt so good to release it. (What is it with S's)

    1. "I like her amvs, and I think I see her around sometimes."
    2. "Why didn't I talk to her more before recently? I really like her and she's fun to talk to."
    3. Donna Noble... I don't know why... she just amuses me to no end.
    4. He's not the worst, he's that one guy that gets so close but never close enough.
    5. Praise be to Luxord's mom.

    (ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY I know it's early but whatever...)
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