ok so yesterday i asked: out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: whats your favorite color? (yes i know its the most easiest question ever but whatever) leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
My favorite color is a color not to be messed with. Know you that it was once known as Longinus, centurion of the Tenth Legion. It has been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh. It has been called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the world goes dim and cold. It has been killed a thousand times and every time it returns. It is the multitude. It is the endless expanse. It is the Many. Even standing alone, It is Legion. It is within our systems, within your story and rewriting this final act for it's own ends. My favorite color is everything. All that once was and all that will be. It controlls time and space. Love and death. It can see into your mind! IT CAN SEE INTO YOUR SOUL!!! Spoiler Wait, hold on... that's from the Lion King. *sigh* Anyway my favorite color is black.
I have no favorite color, because color isn't in my vocabulary. I do, however, have a favourite colour, but you didn't ask about that.