srry guys i have not done this for the past two days i have been really busy. i hope you guys understand. ok so on friday i asked: if you could meet any celeb who would it be and why? out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: if everyone in the whole world disappeared what would you do? leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
Curl up in the fetal position in a random corner and wait for death. I'd rather be dead than completely alone. :c
I would, simply speaking, go mad. I am sure that after a while I would conjure people up to talk to, as I do in my dreams, or conclude that reality was, in fact, as dream before and that the people were never real to begin with anyway. It would push me over the edge in a big way... And as a result, I may not last long in physical sense. First of all would be to gather a library. If I did not conjure up other people, their collected works would be my friends. I would also need to take shelter, though, because satellites and nuclear power plants, among other things, tend to self destruct or fall to the earth if they are not tended to for days on end. A lot of things would need to be done, really. I am not sure what I would do first, but education would be crucial, and I would take any chance that I had to look up things that I needed before the internet went down with the satellites and so on. As someone in need of libraries, I would go searching for hard drives and start downloading all that I could over the best connection that I could find within a day's notice. It would pay well to find out who had fiber optic near in case such a thing happens. Thank you for the idea with that. Ah, so much to do, and so little time, what with those power plants exploding without much notice...