ok so yesterday i ask: so if you could live in any world in any kh game which one would you pick? out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: if you could meet any celeb who would it be and why? leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
Jessica Alba because she's my wife to be<3 Megan Fox for reasons most straight males would. Justin Hartley for reasons most gay males would. Ryan Reynolds for reasons anybody would. Nicholas Cage to talk about comic books. Lindsay Lohan so we can get coked up, have sex, and I could finally get over my childhood crush on her. Tim McIlrath just so I can die happy. Mackenzie Gault just to listen to her play the viola. Johnny 5 so we can start a revolution. And Jason Statham so I can see all the badassness in person.
Alright,as bad as it is,here goes: I would meet justin bieber,so i could rip his shrunken voice box out of his system,thereby saving the world from terrible music.
All of you guys are idiots if you hate Justin Bieber this much. Yes I know his music is annoying but he honestly seems like a good kid. Alot better than Miley I am sure of. You can hate his music for all I care, but hating him in general is pretty stupid.
I would like to meet either Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, or Logan Lerman. Johnny Depp because he's awesome. Tim Burton so I can talk with him about his movies and how much I love them. Logan Lerman because he's sexy, he played Percy Jackson in The Lightning Thief, and I want to talk with him about everything in the movie business that he's ever done. Spoiler Logan Lerman is sooo hott!
wait a sec, i didn't see the movie... that's who plays percy jackson??? it's like looking into a mirror!!!
Do they have to be living? If not, then it would be Theodore Roosevelt, so that I can punch him in the face over what he said about us anarchists. God, I hate that guy. Almost more than Lincoln. If they have to be living, then I have no idea. I do not respect anyone now living, come to think of it. Not enough to single them out among all of the awesome people out there.