What happens if you happen to have multiple accounts on khv? Is that bad? Can they be merged together? Does one get banned?
It is bad. If it was unintentional, then one will get banned. If you did it on purpose, both will get banned. I don't think you can merge accounts.
Depends on the situation, for example say your account completely died and you couldn't log in, then making an account to inform the staff (whilst frowned upon) isn't as bad as someone who say, deliberately makes additional accounts for no reason other than to make the accounts. The reason that Swordser and Christer ended up being permabanned was because they kept making alts.
Depends on if you're active with them. If you only use one and the other two or three are dormant, it isn't a much of a concern. If you keep switching between them while they get banned in order to stay active... well... that would result in bad things. This bad: =(((
I actually had a dream where I made alt. accounts... Then I revealed it to someone and then realized that "Oh nous/shıt, I'mma gonna get banned now!'' D8
Well I know you can't merge somthing with itself. I meant like not just merging alt accounts, but like, for example, Darkwatch and Shadowjak.
I'm curious as to what would happen. And if they'd both be able to get on or just one. And if it was reverseable.