Words per minute (WPM) 77 Keystrokes 420 Correct words 76 Wrong words 5 You are better than 92.5% of all users (position 4771 of 63572 - last 24 hours) http://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english
Words per minute (WPM) 75 Keystrokes 447 Correct words 76 Wrong words 10 You are better than 91.68% of all users (position 5433 of 65263 - last 24 hours) Most of my mistakes came from getting ahead of myself once I made an error and just kept typing the wrong words in the wrong order. :c
Words per minute (WPM) 61 Keystrokes 311 Correct words 57 Wrong words 1 Roughly the same as last time, but I'm pretty tired right now. Just woke up.
Much better the second time, I should do these when I'm fully awake... Words per minute (WPM) 73 Keystrokes 366 Correct words 69 Wrong words 0
Nope, I actually don't use my pinkies when I type, other than for enter and holding the shift key, I have a sort of squinty approach to resting my hands on the keys, they don't all chill on the middle row.