Not the tag...the guy IN the tag =) I've gone through a massive Criminal Minds phase...and Reid is just so... <3 Be advised I'm VERY rusty in Photoshop, but yes, cnc:
CRIMINAL MINDS TAGS. HECK YES <3 /melts By golly, Matthew is just one of the most gorgeous and talented beings ever. These tags are really wonderful. I like them a lot c: I especially love the colour scheme, it really mends well with the stock. And your stock is pretty high-qual too! Especially the one of Derek, man, that stock's real good. Personally, I like the flow of the Derek tag better than the Reid one. It plays to the eyes more and it really focuses on your subject unlike the Reid one, as much as I absolutely love Matthew, my eyes go to the background behind it. Though, super-fantastic-awesome job. This is incredible.