This movie will be the single greatest movie to go out into the world in 2014. Calling it now. So many feels in one little trailer, my stomach hurts ;_;
He is so handsome. I always thought Hiccup was adorkable and quirky, but now he's a full-on bamf. And Toothless is still so freaking cute!
That was AMAZING! I expect the flying scenes to be just as spectacular as they were in the first one! And Toothless is looking just as adorable as he was :) My only complaint though is Hiccup's new look. I understand he's supposed to have aged, but... it will take some time getting used to his new look. At least he looked badass with that helmet of his. Anyway, can't wait for next year!
I honestly did not expect this to be a trilogy of all things. I thought it ended off pretty well with just the first one...and now I feel like watching it again. Still, I wouldn't say it was my favorite movie, but it was good, so I'd be willing to watch this. Although I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say the best 2014 movie
I've been hearing rumors about this movie for a while now, glad to see it's actually happening. Looks like it could be pretty good. Unlikely, there's a new Godzilla movie coming out in 2014.
DYING INFINITELY I, for one, love young adult Hiccup. Puberty is either a blessing or a curse and we can't all be awkward teenagers forever. Look at the most well-loved, attractive people in the public eye and you will see that half of them could be considered average to homely when they were younger.
I have been having an actual meltdown over this all day you have no idea Actually I think you might have an idea considering how apparently everyone knows I adore How to Train Your Dragon to the point of obsession but in case anyone does not I really like How to Train Your Dragon
What's most important is that it seems like a natural transition, and from what I can see, it definitely does. Growth was kind to him; it rounded out his features in just the right way.
Ratchet and Clank is a pretty good game, without the constant need for viewer interaction though, I don't see it being as good. Godzilla . . . really? A series that required so many movies to make it popular is going to be better than the series that was critically acclaimed after just one installment. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't get the point of a giant lizard running around. Maybe if they had a young boy train Godzilla. They could call it, How To Train Your Godzilla. I think it'd definitely be a hit. I . . . love you ten times more now.