hopefully it's true. We need something new for me to waste my time trying to figure out a way to by it
This holiday season is already packed with games that'll decrease my money, and I do like the look of the PSV. So in a way I hope it's false though logically it could be released around this time. Blockbuster isn't the top retailer in the UK as it use to be, I've heard it's making losses. So I don't know if they might be doing it on purpose to increase its popularity/sales. But I could be wrong.
Wow o_0 Has it been announced to release in the U.S. yet? I would be kinda upset if it comes out in UK before U.S., but you fellas usually get things 2 weeks after us so, i dont mind now, you guys deserve as much for waiting bunch of times:) Just hope it comes out in the U.S. around the same time... (By the way, for you Americans, wi-fi vita is placed at £229.99 which equals out to $377.71 and the wi-fi with 3G is placed at £279.99 which is around $459.83)
Preowned's the way to go. I got a God of War PSP for 110 bucks. Eh, I always wait a while before buying new systems so they get a decent game library (and the games themselves decrease in price) but decent news nonetheless
That's one of the reasons I was sceptical at the idea. Sony are dedicated to their Japenese Market, that and most consoles come out a few months later for the Western world for the likes of Sony and Nintendo. Still that's good for me. Gives me time to get myself money, and like Robin says, the opportunity for more games to be released.