holysh!t it's actually real D: so there really is no UMD slot? baaaaaaaaaalls i need a new psp anyway and was saving up for one but i didn't think this psp go tripe was actually legit. hm, then i might get this instead assuming they have a solution to play umds. maybe they'll be a sort of external device, like they did for floppy disks.
And it still allows the screen to be exposed. Button protection is nice and all, but its moot if the screen is so scratched up that you can't see anything clearly on it. In fact, that's one reason I never carry my current PSP in my pocket (that and the O is practically falling out).
WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SECOND ANALOG SONY? I BELIEVED! I BELIEVED! Motherfuckers, they had that second indent with the intent of a second analog, but decided to troll everybody by putting the start/select buttons there >:
Um. Well I don't really like anything on the PSP anyway. So I'm probably just going to buy one for BBS (sadly). Most likely a used one once they start getting sold to GameStop's the second day of release.
New PSP? I just got my PSP!!! I ain't gettin' a new thing because it came out! It's like getting a DS for Christmas then buying a DS-i. It's pointless.