I still own a PS2, but those are some pretty good price drops. I still haven't decided if I will ever get a PS3. It's not because of prices, just that I don't want one. However, if prices drop even more, I might change the mind.
That's quite good. In line with a PSVita which is quite good. Interesting, makes me think the possible announcement of new hardware next year. Time will tell.
I was planning on getting a PS3 someday so I could play some games, and this price drop helps me out. But I thought it was already at 250 used, was I off by a huge amount or what?
I think it might have to do with the new PS4 that is coming out this 2012. And the ratings Nintendo has been getting since they dropped the price of the 3DS. All in all, I really like how the prices are going down. It shows we have some sort of control over the prices, if we don't buy it, they'll lower it at least some. Sony has always had the high price for the quality, think. Hopefully they won't disappoint with the new console next year.
The industry has changed, by now the consoles are so advanced and complicated that they are going to stick around longer than they used to. It makes it easier for developers to get used to the consoles, reduce costs and develop for them more efficently. A lot of developers are still getting used to the Ps3/360 and a lot of consumers haven't even bought a new generation console yet. If they start jumping too quickly then they will be killing the industry. I don't think the Ps4 will come out until at least 2014. Also, the handheld and console generations don't go at the same pace, a new generation of either is usually introduced in the middle of the other's life. And I wouldn't really call Wii U a new console, more an HD upgrade. Nice price drop there, maybe this will finally push the Ps3 infront of the 360 in terms of total sales? It would be about time xD
that's what i'm saying, even if they were doing it for business purposes it'd be a dumb move because of the amount of life left in the console (my original ps2 that came out in 2000 still works and hasn't died on me yet). besides, putting sony's profiteering out of mind i'd be pissed as a consumer if a new console came out shorty after i just bought one but idk i guess that's how technology works though. p.s. - ps3 has more to offer than the xbox 360 so i kinda thought the price was worth it after the original price drop from when they first released the slim but i guess this is more of an incentive to go out and GET ONE if you haven't already. i mean let's be honest, you're missing out on some good games if you don't own a new gen console.