Ok i can get one of them for Chritsmas but not both right now im torn between the two because Xbox360 has Tales of Verperia and The Last Remnant but PS3 will have the new KH3 and Mirrors Edge.But ive heard Xbox360 is better but i dunno.So please tell me your opinion of my choice id would love your help.
The fate of KH3 unknown. It hasn't even been announced yet. Mirror's Edge is also multiplatform, so it wouldn't matter which console you bought in order to get this game. Last Remnant is also multiplatform; the PS3 version was just delayed. So if those are the only games you're concerned about, then go with the 360 for Tales of Vesperia. If there are more games you haven't said yet, check to see if any of them are exclusives, then weigh out your options as to which one would get you more of your exclusives, or just consider the ones you want the most. Also consider what kind of gamer you are, as certain genres tend to lean toward one console. This has changed in the last year, but it's good to investigate your tastes so you're more prepared.
I don't mean to soun smug or anything but the PS3 is a better system than the 360 although it lacks in games compared to the 360 (it has been proven infront of me). But most 360 exclusives come out in a better version on the PC later on so for the benefit of gameplay, graphic and system i'd say PS3 but for a larger online comunity with more games to choose from i'd say 360. but thats my opinion so I hope the details I hve given help.
How does the 360 have a lack of games in comparison to the PS3? And 360 exclusives coming out on PC later (and coming out better is a matter of opinion most of the time) isn't really relevant because they're monopolized by the same company.
Go with the 360, it's way better. Plus there's alot of coo' war games. (Not sure if you're into them) like Gears of War 2 and Left4Dead.
I say go with Xbox 360 because that's what I'm doing because really right now the PS3 don't really have any good games, and the Tales of Vespria is worth getting the Xbox360 because well the tales games are awesome so yeah got with the 360...
i don't really know. but it seems like Xbox360 has more RPGs (upcoming ones too) like Tales of Vesperia, The Last Remnant (i'm not actually sure if this is an RPG), Star Ocean 4 (don't think this one is out yet), FF13 (PS3 also getting this one btw). it seems like the PS3 has a lot more fighting games though. i really do wonder if i should've gotten an Xbox360 instead of a PS3 because of the RPGs. i also have a hard time deciding what to buy for the PS3 because all the games i want only has like a playtime of 10 hours or less (according to reviews and what other people have said). i don't know if that's the case for Xbox360 though. but Xbox360 DOES have Halo which is a good shooter game, i just don't like the online community for Halo, the game itself is good but the people online, i don't really like them to be honest. EDIT: also for the argument of the PS3 not having any good games. it DOES have good games but nothing that's really epic (and to be hoenst nothing that really amazed me). i think the same is for the XBox.
Well the 360 does have more RPGs, but not all of them are worth buying *cough*infinite undiscovery*cough*. And some like The Last Remanant are timed exclusives so they'll be out on the PS3 too, just later.
i actually heard good things about Tales of Vesperia (although there were a few bad reviews too). but how sure are you about those timed exclusives coming to PS3? it would be great if they did because i'm a fan of RPGs and RPGs tend to last longer than these fighting/action games that the PS3 seems to mostly have.
The ps3 has the potential to become better than xbox is. It probably is right now, in terms of what it has to offer. However, the xbox has done better in sales, it has a much bigger library and a much better set of games. I can see ps3 in the future overtaking xbox, but for now, 360 reigns.