Well, Im getting a DSi on thursday-friday and also trying to figure out what game I should get (I havent got a new game since Pokemon Pearl came out for the DS O__O) so I picked these two out of a bunch I saw (Phenoix Wright is next, trust me : D) So I like puzzles and rhythm games, so which one is better to get and a game that will keep my intrest?
Well, I haven't played Rhythm Heaven yet, but I can vouch for Layton because I do have it and it's quite fun to play. Even better when you just hand the game off to a friend and watch them try to figure out some of the tougher puzzles, and then their reaction when they get the answer. If you do get Rhythm Heaven, tell me about it. I was thinking about getting that one.
I recommend Layton as well; I've never played it but I'm a huge Ace Attorney fan and the AA community I'm a part of is full of people totally in love with it. I've heard nothing but great things about that game ;o. Oh also if you're thinking of trying Phoenix Wright (Which I can safely tell you IS, in fact, fantastic) some similar games (to maybe think about later?) include Time Hollow and Hotel Dusk. I've played Time Hollow and it was pretty good, although a bit short; Hotel Dusk looks gorgeous in its presentation and is supposedly great but I've never tried it.
http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.18728 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820211196 Get these, hurfdurf.