Video Problems regarding an MEP...?

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by Xioayugoth, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. Xioayugoth Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    I'm taking part in a Through the Fire and Flames MEP. >.< I'm so gullible, I just agreed before I realised this was DRAGONFORCE we were using. Bah.
    Now, the idea is, each person chooses one game/movie/anime whatever each, but they're only allowed to use that game/movie/anime etc, no other clips, and no one else can have the same media.
    Since I knew I was getting Crisis Core (and a PSP) for christmas, I chose Crisis Core, but there's a problem.
    I chose the shortest part, like the lazy bum I am, so I've got something like 11 little seconds to do. XD And Sony Vegas was messing up after FIVE.
    Does anyone know any of the best FMV (the high quality ones, like the opening and ending) sequences, using ideally only Cloud/Zack? I've used the opening, and the clips through Cloud's flashbacks overlaying some slower clips, but... I've sort of run out, and my computer is wheezing and pretty stuffed full of stuff now, so I don't want to download any unecessary clips that would take up room...
    I will get a preview up... Once I can get on my own computer. I don't think my Wii would take kindly to me trying to install Sony Vegas, hm?