I recently read an article about prisons with bad reputations. But really most people don't have a hard time in prison, it's not like a punishment. I mean, many of the inmates are rapists and murderers, they deserve to be punished, not to have full-blown care and entertainment.
Now wait a minute, the majority of inmates in a country have not commuted murder or rape they are the minority. Now in the worst prisons that require maximum security, most have commited the worst of crimes. Also, prisons per se, are not a form of punishment but a form of rehabilitation. A prison is a place where people reflect on their wrong doings in the past and wish to achieve a stable life once their sentence is up, such as psychological management and an education. However in all countries the success of this is barely noticeable since most people who go to prison are more than likely to commit another crime. Healthcare I agree with to a point, whereby they are given the minimal amour of care possible, whilst entertainment can be a good use for operant conditioning, part of the rehab process. But If you want to blame anyone, blame it on the people who support the intergration of Human rights.
As PAW said, the majority aren't. The rate of recidivism, the measurement of whether a prisoner repeats an offense after being released, is actually pretty high. Criminals don't fear returning to prison as much as they used to. Prison needs to be a place they rue. It needs to be used as a tactic to discourage crimes before they happen or from repeating.