I was wondering if Pride and Prejudice is a good book to read. I'm going to be taking a history class next semester and I've been thinking about reading books that are not in my comfort zone. I didn't like 'Little Women' but I read that eons ago. I've never understood the hype, but I would like to give it a chance. So, calling all Pride and Prejudice readers: should I read this piece of literature? Or should I read something else? Thank you!
Pride & Prejudice has been my favorite novel for some time (though 1Q84 has been lately competing for the crown!). It's my favorite of Austen's novels, even though I consider Emma her best (I've read all but Mansfield Park). On that score I can definitely recommend it; Elizabeth Bennet is one of the most important female characters in Western literature, and certainly in 19th century British literature. Austen's irreverent wit and style shines here while offering a mature, nuanced, and still shockingly applicable look at a women's place in society, marriage, courtship, etc. -- but it's also a lot about personal development and self-realization and love. As someone invested in women's rights and someone with my fair share of sisters, it does strike a more emotional note with me; Lizzie is one of the characters in literature I relate most to and I was naturally engrossed for that reason. If you're not accustomed to the era, Pride & Prejudice can be a bit of a doozy to get through. There's enough going on, plot-wise, to keep you interested, even if some of the humor and commentary flies over your head (it definitely did my first few times reading it), but it's also not a short book. If you're at all interested in English society in the 19th century (and women's place within it in particular), or literature in general, it's pretty much a must-read. If you're a writer (or aspiring writer!) I also really recommend it, at the risk of sounding pretentious I think I learned a lot from Austen's style and she's an absolute master of character development. Pride & Prejudice might seem a bit like it's been over-hyped given how popular it is but I truly believe it's one of those timeless novels that can stand up to any kind of hype or time, for me at least. And if it's any consolation, I couldn't get through more than a chapter of Little Women!
I've not read the book, so I can't speak for that, but I've enjoyed every adaptation of it that I've seen--the BBC miniseries, the Keira Knightley movie, and The Lizzie Bennet Diaries--so if you find the book daunting, you could always try one (or all) of those adaptations to get into it~
The amount of adaptations of Pride & Prejudice really speaks to its timeless quality. It can be a book faithful one, like the BBC mini-series or the 2005 Keira Knightley movie (the latter of which is probably my favorite adaptation), or a modern-day adaptation (The Lizzie Bennet Diaries or Bridget Jones's Diary), and its still massively enjoyed and consumed. I'm a bit stingy in that I always prefer reading the book first, especially if you don't know how it ends, but some of these adaptations are really good. If you choose to go this route, I'd stay away from the BBC mini-series -- it's really long and omits basically nothing from the book, so if you're having trouble getting through the book, you'll have trouble getting through this. Bridget Jones's Diary takes enough liberty with the plot and its adaptation that I think it's pretty safe to watch it and still enjoy & be surprised by the book. It's a really funny movie too! One of my favorites, Pride & Prejudice or not. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is good and I know that's how a lot of people these days are getting into Pride & Prejudice (and Emma as well since they did a series on it, I didn't watch it though so I can't speak for it), but for whatever reason I think it's a bit more enjoyable when you've already read the book now that the full series is out. Finally, I think the best recommendation would be the 2005 movie. It is my favorite adaptation so my rec is colored by that but I have good reason. It's very faithful to the book and really doesn't take all that much out, plot-wise. There are of course many condensed scenes and such but nothing unreasonable for a book to movie adaptation. But I also think it does an incredible job of capturing the emotional power of the novel and the development of the characters, far better than any other adaptation I've seen. I think it really gives the most well-rounded look at the novel, while still leaving enough out that you could enjoy a reading of the novel after seeing the movie.