I'm getting tired of these separate threads. ADMINS PLZ MERGE ALL THE THREDS TOGETHERPLZPLZPZL D; There ya' go. Didn't quite know what you wanted so...I guessed XD
woah i like the whole look and idea behind it. i cant really give CnC, seeing as i find it fine. i guess the only thing i can say , its the letters look too big. but thats really a matter of preference. first the one for ghetto and now for rosey, the style of those sigs looks cool., keep going.
It's a bit plain, but it's better than the one for orangutang tits. Text is nice, but that whole displacement thing you got going on up top bothers me.
To be honest, I actually really like the simple feel it has. My only complain is the distort of the right, it kinda irks me. It could use more FG, like some light effects or something, text it´s quite neat. More color on the BG isn´t so neccesary but I would like it. Make me a present please? I don´t want to bother but if you can... XD.
As long as your satisfied, my purpose is well done ^^ Chase, as long as you present my ass. And you better gimme 'a seckzy stock. I'm in the feel for a Megan Fox one no transformers. kthxbai