And there's a huuuuge improvement from following two tutorials.
Awww snap 8D You have gotten so good. The shading matches with the lighting in the background, and the fur looks so lifelike. Excellent job, Xaale. :3
Very nicely done, Xaale. I love the shading. Though, I'd want to point out that the tail needs to be a little higher on the butt back, and his stomach looks flat. You need to make the rib are slightly than the posterior. Think of the dog's stomach and posterior. It's bulky on the ribs and gets skinnier at it reaches the pelvic bones. But overall, this is amazing. Keep practicing. :3
wowowwoowowowoowowowow you really gotten so much better on the posture the tail need to get a lot more higher, think about the spine, since the spine is connected to the tail, and tone down on texturing
I was trying to make the rib bulkier but it looked awkward so I changed it, but okay xD Thanks :v And to both, I'll make the tail higher on the butt back.
That's pretty good! The wolf had an evilish eye 4 me but it looks pretty cool! Love it. Hope I can get better with coloring like Yours