If you want, you can be in the picture too. Just a few quick things, do not quote pictures, and if your pic is big please put it in spoiler tags! I'll start. My dog Indra, Spoiler aaand my two goldfish Bud and Weiser. Spoiler
Omg...more poeple need to post thier wee ones here~ http://anwita01.deviantart.com/art/Tulu-216642693
My cat, Lucky. Spoiler By gexln at 2011-09-10 My Border Collie x German Shephard dog, Jess, with Ziggy. Spoiler By gexln at 2011-09-10 My Miniature Fox Terrier, Ziggy. Spoiler By gexln at 2011-09-10
WOW...you're the first to figure out her breed. I'm VERY impressed. Yes, she is a Maine Coon. But I think she's a Maine Coon mix. I found her off the streets. ;~; Maine Coons seem to have longer fur and are extra fluffy. She seems not so fluffed up as I see them on the internet. Nonetheless, I adore her little tufts. Those are BEAUTIFUL pets. I wanted a black and white cat like that. :3 And Jess and Ziggy are just as adorable!
Hahaa cool! Yeah i am a bit of a cat person, i suppose it's because my personalities are like one. (Independent and most of the time not social, and sleeping a lot hahaa!) I was unsure, but almost certain thats what breed she was. I suppose since she wasn't a true breed, it wavered my judgement. But she looks so peaceful in that pic, really nice!
I just found a picture of my dog and thought I should share. Merry Christmas? Spoiler That's ridiculously small. Spoiler
I don't suppose your cat also happens to eat almost anything, licks almost anything, and pukes almost every day? Actually, it's not that bad. But when I was younger, we couldn't go anywhere without him puking. It was practically a normal thing.
More of Tulu. Because she's just so cute. Spoiler Tulu at about 2 month of age. Spoiler Tulu at about 3-4 months of age.
@kingdomheartsgeek You necro'd a two year old thread banned4eva Cute dog tho. Is that an Italian Greyhound or?
My now turned four year old Sora. Hehe yes her name is Sora. I also have a bearded dragon but he's not very photogenic. I will try to put a pic of him on at some point.
My dog, Misty, and my guinea pig, Nile. I also have another guinea pig named Bubba Gangsta Thug, a hamster named Rex, and a cat.