358/2 Days Possibly useful Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Info about Gameplay

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX' started by Anderson, May 30, 2009.

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  1. Anderson (☞゚∀゚)☞ You've lost the game.

    Nov 11, 2006
    Mt. Silver
    Here is the title screen, with Story Mode and Mission Mode.

    A few screenshots from the opening. Sanctuary is once again the song played in the opening.

    In terms of gameplay, the game plays very close to Kingdom Hearts 2. It still retains many aspects of Kingdom Hearts 2, but of course, not everything could have been kept intact due to the lack of certain buttons and such that the DS lacks.

    So buttons, huh? Now, I THINK you can configure your buttons to your liking, but I didn't try to mess with that yet.

    The default keys

    A - Attack

    A friend told me that when Limit appears on the screen (when you're at critical health), holding A will activate the Limit.

    B - Jump

    Y - Dodge Roll / Guard / Aerial Recovery / etc.
    Note: Other abilities such as the ones stated above seem to be all registered with the Y button as you gain abilities.

    X - Toggle through Commands (as the D-pad did in KH2)

    L - Access Shortcuts | To set up a short cut, you go through the Commands - either Magic or Items. When you've selected the item / spell you wish to be a shortcut, hold the L button and assign either A, B, X, or Y as the shortcut key.

    Before pressing R
    After pressing R
    R - Shift Camera / Lock-on | Now this is an interesting button in this game. It not only serves to lock-on, but it serves as the camera shifter. Since the DS lacks both a D-pad and the analog stick, the R button is the only way to 'control the camera'. When pressing R during gameplay whether it be navigating through a world or most of the time in battle, the R button will shift the camera to where the camera sees Roxas' back.

    Lock-on is still retained in this game. To do so, press the R button twice quickly.

    Select - Zoom in / Zoom Out

    You CAN skip the cutscenes that it allows you in the same fashion you could in Kingdom Hearts 2. And there are no longer Reaction Commands...at least, not that I'm aware of. I mean, I already fought Nobodies and no Reversal-esque commands.

    Basics of the Game?:

    You may select Beginner, Standard, or Proud Mode.

    The game runs mission-style, so to speak. You're given an mission and you complete it.

    To take missions, you talk to Saix.

    Each time you run a mission, you're allied with a fellow member of the Organization - I'm pretty sure you can be allied with more than one since there were screencaps with such, but I'm not sure.
    You can be allied with the 14th Member.

  2. xaldin7th Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 14, 2006
    Question. When selecting a mission in the world screen, there are always some three options available. What does each of them mean and what does it have to do with the mission itself?
  3. Brisk Banned

    May 26, 2009
    A quick question; is there one "main" mission which you must complete to finish the day and then multiple smaller side missions you can complete on the side (that do not advance the plot just but offer an opportunity to get new items and level up, etc.), or is there only one mission per day that advances you to the next day once it is finished?
  4. Anderson (☞゚∀゚)☞ You've lost the game.

    Nov 11, 2006
    Mt. Silver
    Epic bump with epic edits.
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