No kidding. Eric Wolpaw, the writer for Portal, got sick of the cake joke. Link Wouldn't blame him since it gets annoying after being repeated. Plus the cake does actually exist. While this may be the worst or best news for people, at least the script isn't going to change dramatically or anything. GLaDOS' humor is still going to be there.
I will be very disappointed if Jophnathan Coiuton isn't at least somewhat involved in the closing music. As for there being no cake, well, VALVe said there's be no Portal 2 announcement at E3 didn't they. The cake is iconic, if it isn't in there somewhere then it just won't be Portal.
Good. All of the cake jokes were ****in' annoying. The damn cake didn't make the game good. Plus, the cake wasn't a lie anyways. So all of those annoying joke/references were completely unnecesary.
They've replaced the cake with pie. I couldn't care less about the change of the cake jokes, I thought it was a naff joke in the game itself but funny to use as a counter reference meme. Anywho, I hope they don't change the weird crap Glados and the turrets say, that was both scary, funny and annoying at times.
Well, I was annoyed when I first heard the joke. I didn't like it that much and now that they removed it, I couldn't be any happier.
I guess this is a good thing. Instead of repeating Portal 1's memes, Valve will have the oppertunity to give Portal 2 its own completely seperate identity! Semi-unrelated tangent: Is there any truth to the rumors that this game is actually coming to PS3?
Yea the game is going to be on the PS3. It was confirmed at E3. They even said that the best Portal experience will be on the PS3. I'm assuming they mean best console experience though.
What they said was that the best console experience would be on PS3, but not the best Portal experience. The PC would of course without a doubt be the best Portal Experience.
Cake or not I can't wait for this game. GLaDOS is freaking amazing. One of my favorite villains, hands down. Really, besides the new fallout, this is the only game they showed at E3 that I'm actually excited for.
Well in all fairness to the dev team i mean you can't let that joke live forever and it does get annoying from time to time so i'm kind of glad. Still, i can't wait for it. Split-screen co-op!!!!