I'm having a LOT of trouble port forwarding with my router. It's a TP-LINK WR340G. My problem is mainly my IP Address. If I find my IP Address with cmd it says gives me a normal looking IP address. But if I google what's my IP or try and check if I port farwarded correctly it gives me a completely different IP. I've tried to portforward with IP before but I get this error every time. http://gyazo.com/5bf647a4c96c41632f1e99624198ef5e.png?1347225514 And when I try to port forward with the IP I get in CMD, I get no errors, but when I check if I port forwarded right with http://canyouseeme.org/ It says I have not port forwarded correctly. I have tried using a static IP, same problem, the static IP is set up perfectly, but if I check my ip with google or anything else except cmd it still gives that weird IP. I've tried a number of port forwarding programs, none of them have worked. This is extremely frusrating and I've been trying to get this to work for weeks.
You have two different IP addresses--a public and a private. Your private IP address is used only within your LAN, as in the computers hooked up to your router. Your private IP address is Your public IP address is how everything outside of your LAN sees you. This address is given to your entire LAN, so every computer on your local network uses that public IP address--which appears to be I don't know much about port forwarding (or, well, I know the theory but I've never done it myself), but hopefully that will help. Tried to give the most basic description I could, it can get quite complicated if you go in depth.
Based on the error you got, it sounds like you need a local IP. However I don't even know what you are aiming to do. Port forwarding can mean several things, so you might have successfully forwarded ports in the wrong spot.
That would make some sense since port 82 is commonly blocked by firewalls. That would be my first place to check for the error.
Well since I dont have the same router or modem as me I have know clue. The people at portfoward.com helped a lot! Just go into the forums and ask them there. =)