Police Sniper Shoots Suicidal Boy Instead of Saving Him

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Amaury, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    • Source: RT
    • Published: 11/2/2012
    Given the circumstances, I feel as if the law did the right thing, and I feel that a lawsuit is overdoing it. However, the family still has my condolences.

    Thoughts? Discuss.

  2. Railos Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 25, 2012
    What?!? Why bring in that much force for a single person who intends to kill himself and not inflict harm upon others? Why kill him in the end? Why is the boy committing suicide over a bad grade? This is just wrong in almost every aspect.
  3. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    You have to wonder what happened there, SWAT is supposed to be trained on how to deal with situations
    Iike these. Moreover, I feel there's something I'm missing because a sniper is supposed to be able to see things with a scope? If so, how could they feel so inclined to pull the trigger in a manner that kills--if the intention is to save?

    That does not sound right. The family deserves some form of compensation out of all this because the system failed them and now they've lost a son. Moreso if what they're saying about the boy not actually doing what they said he did is true.
  4. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    That is one of the biggest over-reactions I have ever heard of from the police. Why does an upset, drunken teenage boy with a handgun warrant a small army of SWAT personnel? Surely one appropriately trained officer is enough to handle the situation?

    They certainly deserve compensation of some sort, although I expect that will never make them feel any better for having lost their son over something as small as a poor grade. Although I imagine there must be some sort of underlying issue that wasn't mentioned, because I cannot imagine anyone seriously wanting to die over flunking a subject as that can be so easily rectified.
  5. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Why do you think the law did the right thing? The police murdered their son. He was suicidal. He needed help. They brought out a god damned SWAT and had a sniper shoot him. That's far from doing the right thing. They didn't diffuse the situation, instead they reacted to him as if he was a murderer. He was just a kid who needed help. The negotiator did a terrible job by refusing the kid to speak to his father. He NEEDED to talk to his dad. just that could have saved him from hurting himself. Instead, they had a sniper kill him without any grounds for doing so.

    A lawsuit is not over doing it. They are suffering so much emotional distress. Money won't bring their son's life back, but at least it's some sort of reprimand for the hurt they are going through.