Pokemon: Returns and Beginnings

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Darkcloud, Mar 7, 2010.

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  1. Darkcloud Word of advice: Let the wookie win. He's Chuck N

    Dec 6, 2006
    --This is going to take place a few years into the future of the pokemon universe (where everyone is around 16 years old, since nobody in the cartoon/manga seems to age!).

    After failing the competition to become a pokemon master, and succeeding in his challenge in the Battle Frontier, Ash Ketchum returns home for a brief rest, with his long time companion, Pikachu. By this time, Ash has travelled far and wide, meeting new friends, and later departing from them. Before Ash can decide where to go next to compete and train, his mother calls him, saying he's received a call from Professor Oak. He informs him that, due to unknown circumstances, the Pokemon League challenge has been temporarilly shut down this year, and under investigation. Surprised by this turn of events, Ash isn't sure what to do. Mrs. Ketchum then suggests to Ash that, instead of running to a new place this year, that he goes to all the places that he left behind in his travels. Excited with the idea of seeing his old friends, Ash prepares to go to Professor Oak to retrieve some of his old pokemon to go with him on his new, yet familiar, journey.

    Meanwhile, Team Rocket, the one's responsible for the Pokemon League's temporary shutdown, are moving forward with their plans of world domination.

    -PG-13. No swearing. Romance allowed, but mild.
    -No god-modding.
    -Can control up to 3 characters. OC's accepted.
    -Can be a pokemon.
    -Original pokemon can be used, but a pokedex profile must be submitted with 1st appearance, at least. The pokemon in question must also contain a list of four moves to use.
    ex--- Pikachu. 'Electric Mouse'.
    This pokemon uses electricity to fry hard nuts for food.
    It's electric pouch can contain over 1,000 volts, easy.
    -Can be 'good' (Ash, Misty, etc.), 'bad' (Paul, etc.), or 'evil' (Team Rocket).
    -Story does not necessarily take place with only Ash; OC's can go their own way in the storyline, as well.


    Username: Darkcloud
    Character: Ash Ketchum
    Age: 16
    Bio: Returned from Battle Frontier in time to learn Pokemon League is under investigation. Decides to travel to meet up with old friends and acquaintances.
    Pokemon: Pikachu
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