Seems like the next Pokemon game is now coming out, I'm not sure if this is just going to be the extension of Ruby of Sapphire like Yellow and Crystal to their previous games or if it's an entire new game. Either way, here's the scan.
I heard about this on It's for Diamond and Pearl, not Ruby and Saphire. It's supposed to have new forms of Giratina, Shaymin, and Regigigas. But it hasn't been confirmed. There's a high res scan on that is more clearer.
Hmmm...this makes me want to get it since I didn't buy Diamond or Pearl...I have Emerald and Crystal so might as well get the extension instead of the original.
Wow more? I got old of pokemon before I was able to beat the Elite Four in Diamond. Anyway I'm pretty sure it's like how Crystal is to Silver and Gold or Emerald to Ruby and Sapphire.
Stuck in the past? Anyway, I don't think that they would make another outright Pokemon game already, it has to be one of those 3rd games..
i agree with this statement. i think they need to add the other regions like they did in crystal,and maybe throw in the legendarys that you could only get from the special events. [off topic] i still haven't finished my national dex yet cause i'm trying to get non-hacked poke's even though i think i have a shiny lugia.and i would like to know who also wasted time trying to find shinys for hours and days on end.
...Sadly, I have. I found a shiny Tailow and a shiny Graveler in the game, without the use of a Gameshark or AR. I don't think I'll get this game. I'd like to complete D&P first before I try anything like this.
so it's going to be like emerald, crystal, and yellow...can't say that I wouldn't like to see more pokemon games come out, but i really think they should make the jump from handheld to Wii, not as pokemon stadium, but as a real life, pokemon GBA game.
It would ruin it, there is already other console Pokemon games. Pokemon is tailor-made for the handheld.
I like my shiny...that pokemon on the cover of Emerald...starts with an and gold ftw! Wait...did fire red/green(forgot the full title) have a 3rd game? How many more colors/stones/metals will they come up with? Pink? Rainbow? Purple? Black/White with Gray as the 3rd? Pokemon Zinc/Nickel/Cobalt?
I'm just annoyed that the Precious Metal generation (Silver, Gold) got a Precious Stone (Crystal), and the Precious Stone generation (Diamond, Pearl) get a Precious Metal (Platinum)...
I was laughing about that the other day. I dont know why they keep making the third extension game some name out of the current group.
Rayquaza... It's one of my favorite pokemons! =3 About the game, it's probably an extension to the other games, Diamond and Pearl. I'm going to buy it, just because it would finish my accidental collection of pokemon games... O.O
Haven't even finished Diamond yet, only have 40 out of a possible 98 pokemon that I have so, I've just got caught up in the World Ends With You.