okay.I will teach you all the steps of hacking a pokemon gba game. you will nead a USB port.an advance map,advance text and pokemon overworld.to get them go to wah.studiopokemon.com/
Pokémon hacking refers to actually modifying the game's data by changing the maps, text, graphics, music and even scripts. Lately, people have started doing minor ASM changes as well (as seen in the encounter script for the red Gyarados in Zel's Pokémon Shiny Gold rom hack) and Pokémon hacking is constantly developing. A lot of these things cannot be achieved by simply using a cheating device, and those things that can would require hundreds, possibly thousands of lines of code if you'd want to do anything noticeable. Hence why the Code Vault doesn't really seem appropriate for this, but I'm no staff member so I might be wrong.
At first I thought this was about hacking Pokemon codes for code devices... But since this is about illegal hacking I guess a mod should close this thread...
PKMN hacking is for the weak. Be a man (or a woman) and do the right thing by getting your Pokemon through violent and inhuman methods such as shoving it into a ball.
How is it illegal? You bought it didn't you? So you should be able to do anything you want with it. It's like, honey why did you go to jail? Cause I was cheating on my old game boy video game.
Oh please. What are they gonna do? Go to your house and arrest you for hacking a pokemon game? =/ lol My point exactly.
No this refers to actually editing the maps in Pokemon which is illegal but who gives a damn? What's the freaking harm?
This is not illegal, but it is advertising, which is against the rules. Hacking Pokemon games is stupid anyway =P
Haking pokemon is easy! and you dont need a USB u just need an emulator and a rom... and make sprites to make your own pokemon
No, technically it is illegal because you're tampering with copyrighted material. And it's actually very fun. It feels like making a whole new game.
Hacking Pokémon games is far from stupid. Not only does making a good hack require a lot of time and effort, but it also requires you to use your brain. Go play the beta of Pokémon Prism and tell me it isn't absolutely amazing if you ignore the grammar errors. Then go play Shiny Gold (I hate using it as an example since it's incredibly overrated, but still amazingly well done nonetheless) and tell me it still feels like playing Firered. Then go tell people like Coolboyman, Zel and Mastermind_X that Pokémon hacking is stupid. Making a good hack is almost like making a completely new game except you already have a game engine done, saving you hours of work on scripting one yourself. True, making a simple hack is not a hard task, but making a good one isn't. Have you ever tried scripting? It took me a whole day to make a simple script with a couple of people moving, the player receiving a Pokémon after which there's a battle and a short conversation and then three people move off the screen. And since I realized the plot in my hack was total garbage, I ended up abandoning the project. I worked on it a week and got as far as the first gym and the second route and even then, there were a lot of bugs. Saying Pokémon hacking is easy is an insult to every serious hacker in existence.
It is owned by Nintendo, thus making Nintendo the real owner. You really don't own it, they're just letting you borrow it from them. How would you like it if Nintendo walked into your house and opened up your microwave, and screw around with it? That's how Nintendo probably feels when they figure out you're modding their game.. That's how it's illegal..
lay off hummingbird i actually respect the fact there are others beside myself that do these type of thing and still hack the older consoles i do this with N64, PS1, and PS2 (only text translation hack for PS2) and yes text scripting can be a time consuming job, especially if the game uses a custom table and requires a ASM hack to fix the boxes size to fit the text in it and no pokemon or any (game) hacking is not stupid, it's actually be a fun hobby