Just wondering if anybody is interested in some online battles. We could set up a tournament if anybody wanted that or just some fun battles. But I just want the main function of this thread to be a place where people can set up competitive or casual battles of any kind in any gen.
ooo, that's so cool. Now if only I had like a DSI or something I wouldn't have to worry about this stinkin WPA system.
Ha. Yeah I made sure when I set up the wifi at my house that it was only WEP protected so I could still use the DS. But I don't think it would work even with a DSi because even with the 3ds I have I need to set up the connection for the DS games separately. Newer DS models work with WPA but the games still only work with WEP. I still love Nintendo though. and you could always download pokemon online. I usually go in the smogon server because I feel like the best challenges would be there.
I've thought of asking my dad, but every time I ask, he usually says no because he doesn't want any sort of thing downloaded on this computer because he doesn't want anything getting on it that will ruin it.