mood musik: yep lets have a thread for pokémon games, any games on any system we may discuss HERE! We may also share Friend Codes and Trade pokémon here, I have a Saphire(Best.Game.Ever) and a Diamond, however i Plan on buying an emerald,Firered,Heart Gold, Black And Black 2 and finish them before X Y are released, and if i do, ill probably buy both X and Y, I only recently recently used Pal park And loved it. please, post your games, pal pad codes, friend codes, favorite pokemon and anything you wish. Pokemon Character Name:GABRIEL(Saphire);Gabriel(Diamond) Games Owned: Saphire; Diamond Pal pad code: 4471 0246 2531 3DS friend code: 1676 - 5037 - 9009 Faorite Pokemon: Rayquaza, Mew, kyogre, Latias Legendaries Owned: Rayquaza; Kyogre; Regirock; Registeel; Regice; Dialga(X2); Latias; Uxie; Azelf; Landorus, Thundurus & Tornadus(Therian Form) Card: Pokemon Character Name: Games Owned: Pal pad code: 3DS friend code: Faorite Pokemon: Legendaries Owned: (Feel free to add anything else) Anyone up for a trade/Battle with Gen 4 games, if you are just add my Pal Pad Code. Edit: I dont want people hoarding my neck for making a specific thread (Again), so remember, a Pokémon Battle/Trade is a Pokémon Battle/Trade, and a Community Playdate is a Community Playdate.