I started collecting again. If you don't care, fine. But I'm still gonna post this. I bought a box of Call of Legends which I just received. Opened and the ones who matter are these; Holos: Espeon Holo Pachirisu Holo Kyogre Holo Lugia Holo Rayquaza Holo Clefable Holo Umbreon Holo Deoxys Holo Gyarados Holo Smeargle Holo Ho-Oh Holo Forretress Holo Reverse: Espeon Reverse Dialga Reverse Typhlosion Reverse Leafeon Reverse Slowking Reverse Deoxys Reverse Kyogre Reverse Gold Star (SL) Rayquaza SL10 (Gold Star) Deoxys SL1 (Gold Star) Regular Rares Feraligatr Typholsion 2 * Meganium 3 * Ampharos Pidgeot
I remember when I used to collect these cards. We were only at second generation and I had already collected over 500 cards. Although I let my sister mess with them when she didn't even care and it went from over 500 to just a little over 100 in less then a day
After starting collecting again, (my other cards are back home) which is one week ago, I have approx. 800 cards.
That may be worth a lot. If it's in mint condition, that is. I know that some of the cards I have back home could be worth at least $500.
Eheh, nostalgic pokemon cards. I have a binder with almost all of the first 150 in it, most of the 2nd generation. I'd have to guess that it be worth a fair amount of money. Even have some of the character's pokemon cards, like Misty's Staryu and Tentacruel. I don't think I've ever played the actual card game correctly, just collected them and traded them with friends back in the day.
It looks nice on my wall. I put it in a card sleeve when I received it and taped it to my wall. I don't wanna sell it. :(
I remember pokemon TCG. It was the only card game that I ever was any good at. After I got bored of it I moved on to Yu-Gi-Oh ,and sucked at it really horribly. Then I moved on to Magic The Gathering, and couldn't find anyone to play with till I started going to college and immediately discovered that I also sucked at it. Rofl.
Ah, Pokemon cards. Such nostalgia. Still, for you to get so many legendary holos in one box is insane. That must've been a special edition tin or something.
Yeeeep. I used to keep all of my Pokemon cards in a binder, sorted and organized in those plastic paper-cover things, for pages and pages. It should be in my basement/attic somewhere. Totally going on a hunt for them tomorrow.
I did the same. I still have my special binder. I also kept all my old Naruto and Dinosaur King cards in there. I should show it to you all sometime. <3
Binders all the way~ Gotta catch 'em all in order. They have cards for Naruto...yeah, they had cards for everything. xD I actually have a whole bunch of Star Wars cards that my Dad collected when he was little, those are pretty cool.