I can feel venom Running through my veins It's eating at me Slowly torturing me My mind is being blinded By a cloud of blood I see everything in crimson red I can't escape from it Your face, her face It haunts my dreams It pursues me persistantly As if it was my shadow It feels as if you're stabbing me I scream for you to stop But you continue Until I'm limp and pale These continual pangs in my chest It's excruciating As if a wild animal was tearing me apart Hewing me to pieces I feel like dying But this toxin won't let me go It makes me endure this anguish Until I'm numb This poison that's in my body I want it to stop it Before it finishes its course And truly kills me --- It's a poem I wrote before, about a person feeling envy/jealous.
i love everything about it just one thing instead of becoming try being, that really all i can think of its perfect otherwise who was it about?
Thanks, and I fixed the mistake! Oh, and it's about no one really. I just wrote about what I thought someone felt about jealousy...and taken from the times I ever do feel envy.
*Claps loudly, rising from his desk chair* Wow, very good. I've only felt envious of someone else once, but I don't think I'll go into detail over it. But, it was over something serious, not petty or stupid, and I felt very similar to this. I think I'll be looking for more of your works in the future.