Poetry Contest April 2009

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Styx, Apr 2, 2009.

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  1. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Yeah, it's me again. CtR asked me to host the poetry contests from now on, and of course I complied. First of all I'd like to thank you for taking this seriously at all, and for participating as well as you did when CtR hosted them.
    I appreciate it.

    March's entries were of a very high level, that much we can say. I for one enjoyed reading through all of them. That being said it was mighty difficult to pick a winner. We've eventually decided on .:Forgotten Hymn:. for bringing such a vivid poem and giving an otheriwse romantic concept a darker, more twisted side. Congratulations to you and the other participants.
    I won't post runner-ups up here this time since well, the results were just too close.

    This month's theme is The Four Elements (fire / water / air / earth). You can choose either one of them or make a poem about all of them at once.
    Deadline: 30th April
    Results: 2nd May

    Good luck, everyone!
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Wow. I'm so happy. This made my day.

    I feel so honored for winning, I'm so glad and amazed. I never thought I would win. I don't know if I'll be competing in this next one, but either way good luck to all.
  3. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Congrats .:Forgotten Hymn:.!!! That was a damn good poem! Man, I just realised I've been in these comps for a year now...

    Anyway...good luck people, I'll post my poem later
  4. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    I whirl among clouds so soft and white
    The sky; it tastes like November
    A million raindrops, a cooling breeze
    Fly through the air, now I remember

    I step into calm and settled water
    Liquid glass; like a smooth caress
    I glide through the reeds, utter peace
    Lie in the water in my angel's dress

    I dance with angst around burning flames
    Scorching embers; it feels like hell again
    Heat licks my skin, what torture to melt
    I long for the relief of icy rain

    I lie under earth and under the world
    Utter darkness; not even a sound
    Condemned to be forgotten, a whisper of life
    Come rest with me child, deep below the ground ~

    Yay its weird :'D
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I struggled with this one, it came out a lot smaller than I hoped (that’s what she said) but I guess I did manage to get all four main elements in.
    The reason I struggled with this is because I kept thinking of the Captain Planet summoning sequence.

    The Circle of Gaia

    A scream.
    Loud and painless.
    It glides through the sky.
    Stretching naked flames.
    Until relinquished by the sea,
    And swallowed by Mother Earth.
  6. Emzy ♥ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 11, 2008
    hi.... I'm sorta new to the comps, so this is my first post.. here we go...

    Come dance with me,
    Dance into the night,
    Feel me lick your skin in ecstasy,
    But exercise caution,
    Burning isn’t nice.

    Let me caress you,
    Cover you in my beauty,
    My blue hands slowly smoothing,
    And turning black as it draws to night.
    But exercise caution;
    Drowning isn’t nice.

    Let my soft skin engulf you,
    Leave you in a layer of my beauty,
    There is too much of me,
    Don’t put up a fight;
    But exercise caution;
    Being buried isn’t nice.

    I am your life-line.
    Hear me scream.
    I allow you to live.
    I allow you dream.
    I am the wind,
    I am everything you need.
    I am air.
    Hear me scream.
  7. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Hear me crackle,
    See me dance,
    But be wary,
    Of your pants.
    Get too close,
    And you will see,
    How very hot,
    I can be.
    Who am I?
    I'm not a liar.
    Let me tell you,
    I am fire.

    First poem in a long, long time. I'm pretty pleased with it, but I don't expect to win.
  8. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor

    Poisoned Land And Water

    What have you done?
    You're not just one.

    You've had your fun,
    Now, quickly, run.

    But it's not done,
    It's just begun.~

    Poisoned and poised over all of the earth
    The disbalance you caused has begun to give birth
    The sea churns and turns throughout all it's girth
    You may turn and run cold but it's not gonna work
    The disbalance you made creates rhythm in hell
    You saw it all coming, incompetence's spell
    And as one side of balance is weighed down by you
    The other side rises, the deep ocean blue.~

    And as water is dirtied by your poison hate
    So is the ground with the blood of the great
    This world is theirs too, and they did not just wait
    To be suffocated by your plastic baits
    Your trash is their treasure, their one ticket out
    Of this filthy hellhole of their home, without doubt
    They are one of the innocent, you are to blame
    But they won't be here when death and dark reigns.~

    So yeah. Aren't I just the most pleasant thing ever when I see nature and immediately think pollution? 8D
    But seriously, I just wrote this on the spot because I need to write some poems for English class anyway, and I thought I might come back here while I'm at it. Let's hear it for blatant overuse of BBcode!
    Also my ridiculous name kind of squeezes in the poem into this tiny space. Messes up my original image a bit, but we can live with it.
  9. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    We shine on as the empty flames
    Die of hunger and thirst
    For the weakness of mankind
    We shine on as the water festers
    Like our lost dreams
    And frozen tears
    We shine on as the withered trees
    Dance in that ghostly way
    Surrounding your cold heart with fear
    We shine on as the wind whistles
    And blows around us in unnatural ways
    It's been painted with vivid pollution

    Our world has been dyed black
  10. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    well done forgotten...awesom poem =D

    the master
    Here I stand, in the middle of a feild
    I cant remember how I got here,
    I feel the heavy rasping breathing next to my ear,
    The wind whispers warning but I ignore,
    Curious, I turn around,
    Is this possible?
    In front of me I stand grinning at myself,
    Tossing a fireball from hand to hand
    "Catch" He said and the ball of fire narrowly missed my left ear,
    He did the same thing again but had more precise aiming,
    I flinch waiting for the burn but it never comes,
    I look just to see him wet and dazed,
    I did the same movement as when I flinched,
    He has fire I have water I realize that now,
    He bursts into flames and looks angrily at me,
    the earth split under my feat,
    I wait for the fall the fall doesn't come,
    I float, nothing but air beneath my feet,
    He realizes defeat and explodes in a dancing flurry of flames,

    I wake up in the feild, nothin but stars over my head,
    Just a dream, a silly old dream,
    I tossed a fireball lazily from side to side and looked at m,y sleeping friend,
    He is safe, I call all the elements together and create an artificial guardian,
    The power of the flames make it dance, the earth makes music,
    Too tired to sleep I dance with the guardian,
    finally I get tired and the guardian crumbles,
    Keep dreaming and maybe one day you'll be as good as me...
    I am the master.
  11. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Wow...I've entered these comps for a year now, that takes me back...
    Anyway, Here's my poem:

    Swirl of fear

    Close your eyes
    Feel the flame
    Clawing at your skin
    Breathing from within

    Let it overtake you
    Breathe the smoke
    Filling up your lungs
    Its better to be hung

    Feel death coming
    Hear the screams
    Deafening your ears
    Bringing your worst fears

    The burns are coming
    Taste the blood
    Chapping on your lips
    Cutting into bits


    Let yourself fly
    Feel the air
    Brushing against your face
    Taking you to base

    Feel the waving flow
    Hear the peace
    Music to your ears
    Theres no more tears

    The pain fades away
    See the light
    And open your eyes

  12. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Good luck all of you <3 I am proud of you all at the risk of sounding all mushy.

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